9.3.1. Setting up the Forum portlet


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You can set up the Forum portlet to make it work in your desired way.

  1. Open the Page Editor page by following one of two ways below:

    The first way:

    • Click PortalPages.

      The Page Manager page will be displayed.

    • Click that corresponds to the Forum page in the pages list.

    The second way:

    • Open the Forums application, then click PageEdit Layout.

    The Page Editor page appears:

  2. Hover your cursor over the Forum portlet, then click in the quick toolbar to open the Edit Mode tab.

    This form allows you to configure the Forum portlet in various aspects via the following actions:

Specifying the category scoping

In the Scoping tab, you can show/hide categories and forums in the Forum portlet by selecting or deselecting their respective checkboxes.

Enabling/Disabling Forums components

In the Panels tab, you can enable/disable some components in the Forum portlet by simply selecting/deselecting checkboxes of the components respectively.

The following components can be enabled/disabled:

Enabling/Disabling a bookmarkable Forums URL

Before doing this function, you first need to have knowledge of Ajax. Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is used in the Forums application, aiming at updating a whole webpage or a part of the webpage.

This feature defines how the links are generated in the Forum portlet. You can select to use Ajax or not.

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