10.6.5. Deleting an event


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This function allows you to remove events from a calendar. To do this, simply right-click the event you want to delete, then select Delete from the drop-down menu.

Deleting a recurring event

If you delete a recurring event, the Delete Recurring Event popup will be displayed:

When you delete an edited recurring event in a space calendar, its activity on the activity stream is also deleted and a comment informing the date of the event cancelled is added to the main activity of the series.

Deleting an event in the Month view

In the Month view, you can delete one or multiple events at the same time.

  1. Tick the checkboxes corresponding to the events you want to delete.

  2. Click on the Month information bar.

  3. Click Delete in the confirmation message.


For shared and group calendars, you can only delete their events if you have the Edit permission on these calendars.

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