Creates a task for a calendar specified by id, in one of conditions: The user is the owner of the calendar, OR for group calendars, the user has edit permission on the calendar, OR the calendar has been shared with the user, with edit permission, OR the calendar has been shared with a group of the user, with edit permission. This accepts HTTP POST request, with JSON object (evObject) in the request body. Example: { "name": "...", "note": "...", "categoryId": "", "from": "...", "to": "...", "delegation": "...", "", "priority": "", "reminder": , "status": "" }
Required (path parameters):
Parameter | Description |
id | Identity of the calendar. |
Optional (query parameters): No
Request example:
POST: http://localhost:8080/rest/private/v1/calendar/calendars/myCalId/tasks
HTTP status code: 201 if created successfully, and HTTP header *location* href that points to the newly created task. 400 if attributes are invalid (not pass the rule of evObject). 404 if calendar not found. 401 if the user does not have create permission. 503 if any error during save process.