PUT /v1/calendar/tasks/{id}

Updates a task specified by id, in one of conditions: the calendar of the task is public, OR the authenticated user is the owner of the calendar, OR the user belongs to the group of the calendar, OR the task is delegated to the user, OR the calendar has been shared with the user or with a group of the user. This accepts HTTP PUT request, with JSON object (evObject) in the request body, and task id in the path. All the attributes are optional, any absent/invalid attributes will be ignored. id, href, calendar are Read-only. For example: { "name": "...", "note": "...", "categoryId": "", "from": "...", "to": "...", "delegation": "...", "", "priority": "", "reminder": , "status": "" }



Parameter Description
id Identity of the task.

Request example:


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