GET api/social/v1-alpha3/{portalContainerName}/activity_stream/{identityId}ByTimestamp.{format}

Gets activities of a defined identity based on a specific time.



Level API: Platform

Requires Authentication: true


  • Required (path parameters):

Parameter Description
portalContainerName The portal container name.
identityId The identity Id. There is one special identityId called "me" standing for the authenticated user who makes this request.
format The format of the returned result, for example, JSON or XML.
  • Optional (query parameters):

Parameter Description
limit The number of activities retrieved with the default value of 100. This input value must be less than or equal to its default value (100). The number of the returned results is actually less than or equal to the limit value. If it is not specified, the default value will be 100.
since_time Returns the activities having the created timestamps greater than the specified since_time timestamp.
max_time Returns the activities having the created timestamps less than the specified max_time's created timestamp. Note that since_time and max_time must not be defined in one request. If they are defined, the since_time query param is chosen.
number_of_comments Specifies the number of latest comments to be displayed along with each activity. By default, number_of_comments=0. If number_of_comments is a positive number, this number is considered as a limit number that must be equal or less than 100. If the total number of comments is less than the provided positive number, the number of actual comments must be returned. If the total number of comments is more than 100, it is recommended to use activity/:activityId/comments.format instead.
number_of_likes Specifies the number of the latest detailed likes to be returned along with this activity. By default, number_of_likes=0. If number_of_likes is a positive number, this number is considered as a limit number that must be equal or less than 100. If the total number of likes is less than the provided positive number, the number of actual likes must be returned. If the total number of likes is more than 100, it is recommended to use activity/:activityId/likes.format instead.

Request example:

 GET: {@code http://localhost:8080/rest/private/api/social/v1-alpha3/socialdemo/activity_stream/f92cd6f0c0a80137102696ac26430766.json?limit=30&since_id=12345&number_of_likes=5}


       "title":"Hello World!!!",
       "createdAt":"Fri Jun 17 06:42:26 +0000 2011",

       "titleId": "",
       "body": "",
             "fullName":"Demo GTN",
           "fullName":"Demo GTN",

         "fullName": "Root Root",
         "title":"Activity Stream of Root Root",
       "title":"Hello World 1!!!",
       "createdAt":"Fri Jun 19 06:42:26 +0000 2011",

       "body": "",
             "fullName":"Demo GTN",
           "fullName":"Demo GTN",

         "fullName": "Root Root",
         "title":"Activity Stream of Root Root",
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