eXo IDE is a powerful Web application which provides a rich environment for developing different content, scripts and services. It requires no additional installations, runs in a browser and allows you to access and work with files online from anywhere. eXo IDE offers:
Remote File System through the Virtual File System, including Browsing, File Locking, File Searching and Versioning.
Code Editor with syntax highlighting for many popular languages and advanced features, such as Code Auto-complete, Code Outline and WYSIWYG Editor for HTML.
Multiple programming and descriptive languages support, such as JavaScript, HTML, XML, CSS, Groovy, and more.
Tools for developing client side applications including technologies, such as Netvibes Widgets, Google Gadgets and Groovy Templates.
Development of server-side applications, running, debugging, and interaction with the client side via REST Service.
The eXo IDE User Guide aims at providing explanations and step-by-step instructions of functions in eXo IDE.
eXo IDE serves two types of J2EE roles: administrators and developers. Before working with eXo IDE, make sure that your credentials contain one of the listed roles by asking your system administrators. eXo IDE offers most of the same functionalities for them. However, only administrators can deploy their REST services on a common environment and use a kind of "sandbox" to deploy them.
Installing and accessing the IDE extension
The IDE application is an extension of eXo Platform. By default, it is not installed in eXo Platform, therefore, to use the functions of IDE, you must install this extension first. See Installing IDE to know more details.
After installing the IDE extension in eXo Platform, you can access it by clicking
on the top navigation bar.
The IDE page is displayed and allows you to perform all its functions.
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