5.2.5. Portal management view

Template statistics

Template statistics exposes various templates used by the portal and its components to render markups. Various statistics are available for individual templates, and aggregated statistics, such as the list of the slowest templates. Most management operations are performed on a single template; those operations take the template identifier as an argument.

TemplateList The list of templates loaded.
SlowestTemplates The list of the 10 slowest templates.
MostExecutedTemplates The list of the 10 most used templates.
FastestTemplates The list of 10 fastest templates.
getAverageTime(templateId) Returns the average rendering time of a specified template in seconds.
getExecutionCount(templateId) Returns the number of times executed by the specified template.
getMinTime(templateId) Returns the minimum rendering time of the specified template in seconds.
getMaxTime(templateId) Returns the maximum rendering time of the specified template in seconds.
getSlowestTemplates Returns the list of the 10 slowest templates.
getMostExecutedTemplates Returns the list of the 10 most used templates.
getTemplateList Returns the list of templates loaded.
getFastestTemplates Returns the list of the 10 fastest templates.

Template management

Template management provides the capability to force the reload of a specified template.

reloadTemplates Clears the template cache.
listCachedTemplates Lists identifiers of the cached templates.
reloadTemplate(templateId) Clears the template cache for a specified template identifier.

Skin management

SkinList The list of loaded skins by the skin service.
reloadSkin(skinId) Forces a reload of the specified skin and the operation.
reloadSkins Forces a reload of the loaded skins.
getSkinList Returns the list of loaded skins by the skin service.


Name The name of one specific token.
ValidityTime The expiration period of one specific token in seconds.
PeriodTime The expiration daemon period of one specific token in seconds. The token is deleted after the specified period.
cleanExpiredTokens Removes all expired tokens.
size Returns the number of tokens, including valid tokens and expired tokens undeleted yet.
getName Returns the token name.
getValidityTime Returns the expiration time of one specific token in seconds.
getPeriodTime Returns the expiration daemon period of one specific token in seconds.

eXo Platform provides the following TokenStore instances:

Token NameDescription
gadget-token Stores tokens of the Oauth gadget into the JCR node, such as org.exoplatform.portal.gadget.core.Gadget TokenInfoService.
jcr-token Stores common tokens into the JCR node, such as org.exoplatform.web.security.security.CookieTokenService, and org.exoplatform.web.security.security.RemindPasswordTokenService.

Portal statistics

PortalList The list of identifiers of loaded portals.
getThroughput(portalId) Returns the number of requests for the specified portal per second.
getAverageTime(portalId) Returns the average execution time of the specified portal in seconds.
getExecutionCount(portalId) Returns the number of times the specified portal has been executed.
getMinTime(portalId) Returns the minimum time of the specified portal in seconds.
getMaxTime(portalId) Returns the maximum time of the specified portal in seconds.
getPortalList Returns the list of identifiers of loaded portals.

Application statistics

Various applications are exposed to provide relevant statistics.

ApplicationList The list of loaded applications.
SlowestApplications The list of the 10 slowest applications.
MostExecutedApplications The list of the 10 most executed applications.
FastestApplications The list of the 10 fastest applications.
getAverageTime(applicationId) Returns the average time spent of the specified application.
getExecutionCount(applicationId) Returns the number of times the specified application has been executed.
getMinTime(applicationId) Returns the minimum time spent of the specified application.
getMaxTime(applicationId) Returns the maximum time spent of the specified application.
getSlowestApplications Returns the list of the 10 slowest applications.
getMostExecutedApplications Returns the list of the 10 most executed applications.
getFastestApplications Returns the list of the 10 fastest applications.
getApplicationList Returns the list of application identifiers classified in the alphabetic order.


Template statistics, Template management, Skin management, Portal statistics and Application statistics can be controlled through the following paths respectively:

However, the REST View management of TokenStore is currently not exposed in this version.

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