2.2.5. Init data plugin Initializing the conf-part for loading repository-configuration.xml Initializing workspace name and repository name in storage-configuration.xml Initializing JCR structure

The Init data plug-in is used to define the default data in the .xml file. It includes nodes (node of jcr). When the org.exoplatform.services.jcr.config.RepositoryServiceConfiguration component is initialized, the org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.config.RepositoryServiceConfigurationPlugin component will be get and the addConfig function is called. Then, the /ks-extension/jcr/storage-configuration.xml file is loaded and the component org.exoplatform.forum.common.jcr.KSDataLocation will be initialized. Next, the setLocation function is called, setting up the workspace for the Forum, Answers and Polls applications. After that, the addPlugin function will be run, generating the DataLocation (some parent nodes) for the Forum, Answers and Polls applications.

The following is the list of applications and the corresponding components used to initialize the default data.

Forum KSDataLocation, ForumServiceImpl Initializes default data of the Forum portlet.
Answers KSDataLocation, FAQServiceImpl Initializes default data of the Answers portlet.
Polls KSDataLocation, PollServiceImpl Initializes default data of the Polls portlet.

In this section, you will understand how to initialize data via the sample configurations later.

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