Adding a new group

  1. Select the path to create a new group by clicking the group from the left panel or by clicking if you want to create a group at a higher level. The selected path is displayed in the breadcrumb bar.

  2. Click in the left panel.

    The Add New Group form will be displayed in the right panel.


    Field Description
    Group Name Name of the group that is required and unique within the portal with its length from 3 to 30 characters. Only letters, numbers, dash and underscore characters are allowed for the Group Name field.
    Label The display name of the group with any length from 3 to 50 characters.
    Description Description of the group with any length from 0 to 255 characters.

  3. Fill in the required fields. Once being saved, the Group Name cannot be edited.

  4. Click Save to accept creating the new group.


The creator will automatically become the manager of that group. The creator's username will be added to the created group with the "manager" membership.

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