9.10. Managing category navigation

The category navigation gets rid of long URLs when you view content and enables you to see published documents or web content in specific categories in one page. Thanks to the symbolic link, no matter where the object physically resides, the database can retrieve it. In addition, the relations amongst shortcuts can be managed. Now, you can view documents or web content in the Content List Viewer easily.

Accessing the category navigation

  1. Go to News on the Navigation bar.

    • The left pane lists all the categories containing documents or web content.

    • The right pane displays the documents selected in the left pane.

  2. Select a category that you want to view on the left. The selected category will be shown on the right (only documents or web content published are shown).

Configuring Category Navigation

Only contributors and administrators can configure the Category Navigation via the Content List portlet as follows:

  1. Open News page on the Navigation bar.

  2. Click EditPage on the top navigation bar.

    The page which allows you to edit the Content List portlet will appear.

  3. Click pencil to open a form with the Edit Mode tab, allowing you to edit the portlet.

  4. Click plus icon to select the path of a category which restores content you want do display.

    The Folder Browser form is displayed. Click a folder on the left pane and select its sub-folder.

  5. Edit some fields in the Display Settings tab as you want. See more details in the Content List Preferences section.

  6. Select the Advanced tab to set up some properties for the portlet. See more details here.

  7. Click Save to accept saving the configuration for the Category Navigation portlet.

  8. Click Close to quit the form.

  9. Click on the Page Editor form to finish editing the Content List portlet.


In the Edit Mode tab, some options are disabled.

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