The default producer configuration requires consumers to register with it before providing access to its
services but does not require any specific registration properties (apart from what is mandated by the
WSRP standard). It does, however, require consumers to be registered before sending them a full service
description. This means that our WSRP producer will not provide the list of offered portlets and other
capabilities to unregistered consumers. The producer also uses the default
paired with the default
. You need to look into property
validators in greater detail later in Section 5.7.2, “Registration configuration”. This allows you to customize how Portal's WSRP producer decides whether a given registration property
is valid or not.
GateIn provides a web interface to configure the producer's behavior. You can access it by clicking the "Producer Configuration" tab of the "WSRP" page of the "admin" portal. Here's what you should see with the default configuration:
As expected, you can specify whether or not the producer will send the full service description to
unregistered consumers, and, if it requires registration, which
to use (and, if needed, which
), along with required
registration property description for which consumers must provide acceptable values to
register successfully.