This section consists of the following main topics:
A comprehensive knowledge of the Social JCR Structure that is organized to conform to the data storage for the individual purpose of Social.
Introduction to the Calendar JCR structure, details of child nodes, node types and properties of the following nodes: calendars, eventCategories, categories, eXoCalendarFeed, YY%yyyy% and calendarSetting.
Introduction to the whole JCR structure of Wiki, and comprehensive knowledge of its main nodes: Wiki data and Wikimetadata.
Introduction to the whole JCR structure of Forum, and comprehensive knowledge of its main nodes: Forum System and Forum Data.
Introduction to the whole JCR structure of FAQ, and comprehensive knowledge of its main nodes: Category, FAQ setting, Template for FAQ.
Introduction to the whole JCR structure of Poll, and properties of its node type (exo:polls).
To learn more about the JCR Structure, you should have the certain knowledge of JCR.
See also