Several operations are available from the consumer list view of the WSRP configuration portlet:
The available operations are:
Configure: displays the consumer details and allows user to edit them.
Refresh: forces the consumer to retrieve the service description from the remote producer to refresh the local information (offered portlets, registration information).
Activate/Deactivate: activates/deactivates a consumer, governing whether it will be available to provide portlets and receive portlet invocations.
Register/Deregister: registers/deregisters a consumer based on whether the registration is required and/or acquired
Delete: destroys the consumer, after deregistering it if it was registered.
Export: exports some or all of the consumer's portlets to be able to later import them in a different context
Import: imports some or all of previously exported portlets
Import/Export functionalities are only available to WSRP 2 consumers. Import functionality is only available if portlets had previously been exported.