Creating/Downloading/Uploading a zipped folder

Creating a zipped folder

This function allows you to easily compress a folder into a .zip file.

  1. Select a folder in the Workspace panel.

  2. Go to FileCreate Zip... from the top menu.

    The Create ZIP archive form appears.

  3. Optionally, edit the archive name in the Archive name field.

  4. Click Create to accept creating the zip archive.

Downloading a folder from the JCR Repository

  1. Click the target folder in the Workspace panel.

  2. Go to FileDownload Zipped Folder... from the top menu.

    The zip-archive with folder content is prepared on the server and sent to the client. There will be a suggestion window for you to save the archive on your local device.


The archive uses UTF-8 encoding in entry names. Be sure that your zip extractor supports UTF-8 in file names. The Windows Explorer does not support it, you may use 7zip to unzip the archive. In Linux, the unzip (6.0 or below) command also does not support UTF-8 (depending on distributive). If you use KDE 4 as DE, you may configure Dolphin to use archive as folder by going to SettingsConfigure Dolphin..Navigation, then selecting the Open archive as folder checkbox.

Uploading a zipped folder

This function allows you to upload a folder packaged as the the .zip archive from your local device and automatically unzip it in your destination folder of the server.

  1. Select a parent folder in the Workspace panel.

  2. Go to FileUpload Zipped Folder... from the top menu.

  3. Click Browse... in the Upload folder form to select a zipped folder from your local device.

  4. Click Upload to accept uploading your selected folder.

Now you can see a list of files/folders extracted from the zipped folder in the parent folder.

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