Renaming a folder

  1. Open the Rename item form by either of two following ways:

    The first way

    • Click the folder you want to rename in the Workspace panel.

    • Go to FileRename... from the top menu.

    The second way

    • Right-click the folder you want to rename in the Workspace panel.

    • Select Rename... from the drop-down menu.

    The Rename item form is displayed.

  2. Enter the new name into the Rename item to field.

  3. Click Rename to accept.

    You can rename folders and sub-folders containing opened but unsaved files. You can save them after renaming the folder, no data will be lost.

    If the new folder name already exists in the target folder, you will receive an error message as below.


You cannot rename the workspace root folder.


Remember to undeploy all earlier deployed REST Services within the moved folder or sub-folder before renaming the folder.

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