Job configuration

In conf/portal/configuration.xml, you add external-component-plugin for org.exoplatform.services.scheduler.JobSchedulerService. You can use these methods below for setting component plugin:

public void addPeriodJob(ComponentPlugin plugin) throws Exception;

The component plugin for this method must be org.exoplatform.services.scheduler.PeriodJob. This type of job is used to perform actions that are executed in a period of time. You generally configure when this job starts, when it ends, how many times it is executed and the time interval between executions. In this sample you configure the job to execute every minute (60000 millisecond).

                    <property name="jobName" value="DumbJob" />
                    <property name="groupName" value="DumbGroup" />
                    <property name="job" value="com.acme.samples.DumbJob" />
                    <property name="repeatCount" value="0" />
                    <property name="period" value="60000" />
                    <property name="startTime" value="+45" />
                    <property name="endTime" value="" />
public void addCronJob(ComponentPlugin plugin) throws Exception;

The component plugin for this method must be the type of org.exoplatform.services.scheduler.CronJob. This is used to perform actions at specified time with Unix cron-like definitions. For example, at 12pm every day => "0 0 12 * * ?"; or at 10:15am every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday => "0 15 10 ? * MON-FRI". To see more about Cron expression, please refer to: CRON expression. Here is an example:

            <name>CronJob Plugin</name>
            <description>cron job configuration</description>
                    <description>dumb job executed by cron expression</description>
                    <property name="jobName" value="DumbJob"/>
                    <property name="groupName" value="DumbJobGroup"/>
                    <property name="job" value="com.acme.samples.DumbJob"/>
                    <!-- The job will be performed at 10:15am every day -->
                    <property name="expression" value="0 15 10 * * ?"/> 
public void addGlobalJobListener(ComponentPlugin plugin) throws Exception;
public void addJobListener(ComponentPlugin plugin) throws Exception;

The component plugin for two methods above must be the type of org.quartz.JobListener. This job listener is used so that it will be informed when a org.quartz.JobDetail executes.

public void addGlobalTriggerListener(ComponentPlugin plugin) throws Exception;
public void addTriggerListener(ComponentPlugin plugin) throws Exception;

The component plugin for two methods above must be the type of org.quartz.TriggerListener. This trigger listener is used so that it will be informed when a org.quartz.Trigger fires.

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