eXo Platform 4.3 Documentation

Platform User Guide
1. Getting Started
2. Managing Your Personal Applications
2.1. Managing your profile
2.2. Managing your activity stream
2.3. Managing your connections
2.4. Working with your wiki
2.5. Managing your dashboard
2.6. Managing your notifications
3. Working With Tasks
3.1. Installation and Uninstallation
3.2. How to use?
3.2.1. Task Management workspace
3.2.2. Managing tasks
3.2.3. Managing projects
3.2.4. Managing labels
3.2.5. Managing by views
4. Working With Spaces
5. Working With Wikis
5.1. Managing your content
5.2. Advanced settings
6. Managing Your Documents
6.1. Documents Interface
6.2. Navigating through Documents
6.3. Document Viewer
6.4. Open in Office
6.5. Working with basic actions
6.6. Organizing your content
6.7. Sharing your documents
6.8. Extending your actions
7. Building Your Forum
8. Managing Your Calendars
8.8. Editing Calendar settings
8.9. Generating RSS
8.10. Managing categories
9. Managing Your Websites
9.2. Publication process
9.4. Managing categories
9.7. Adding translations to content
10. Searching In eXo Platform
10.1. Searching in Social Intranet
11. Administering eXo Platform
11.1. Branding eXo Platform
11.3. Customizing the look and feel of eXo Platform
11.4. Editing eXo Platform
11.7. Managing your organization
11.13. Building an online community
Administrator Guide
1. Installation and Startup
1.1. System requirements
1.2. Installing the Tomcat bundle
1.3. Installing JBoss EAP
1.4. Using Native Installer
1.5. Customizing environment variables
1.6. Startup profiles
1.8. Troubleshooting
2. Add-ons Management
3. Configuration
3.1. Configuration overview
3.2. eXo Platform configuration
3.4. Data directory configuration
3.5. Transaction service
3.6. Server base URL
3.7. Account setup
3.8. Outgoing mail service
3.9. Changing sender information of email notification
3.10. Subscribing to notifications of document changes
3.11. WebDAV configuration
3.12. Open in Office configuration
3.13. JODConverter configuration
3.14. Limiting size of uploaded files
3.15. Limiting public access to the upload service
3.16. Customizing site data
3.17. Enabling/Disabling auto-creating a taxonomy tree
3.18. Logs
3.19. JCR Configuration
3.20. Cache configuration
3.21. End-date suggestion
3.22. Predefined users, groups and memberships
3.23. Gadget configuration
3.24. Search connector configuration
3.25. Unified Search configuration
3.26. Youtube integration
3.28. Document versioning
3.31. Task Management
4. Database
5. Deployment
5.1. Removing ready-made sites
5.2. Setting up Apache front-end
5.3. Configuring HTTP session timeout
6. JMX/REST Management
6.1. Introduction to eXo Platform management
6.2. Management views of eXo Platform
6.3. Jobs and Job Scheduler
7. Clustering
7.1. Setting up eXo Platform cluster
7.2. JCR index in cluster mode
7.3. Activating TCP default configuration files
7.4. Configuring JGroups via exo.properties
7.4.1. UDP configuration for JCR
7.4.2. TCP configuration for JCR
7.4.3. UDP configuration for IDM
7.4.4. TCP configuration for IDM
7.5. Using customized JGroups xml files
7.6. Setting up mod_jk
7.7. FAQs of clustering
8. LDAP Integration
8.1. LDAP integration using PicketLink
8.2. Synchronization
8.3. LDAP integration using legacy organization services
9. OAuth Integration
10. Backup and Restore
10.1. Planning your backup
10.2. Backup and Restore
11. Upgrade
11.4. Upgrading add-ons
12. Security
12.1. JAAS Realm configuration
12.2. Gadget proxy configuration
12.3. Enabling HTTPS
12.3.1. Using a reverse proxy for HTTPS in front of eXo Platform
12.3.2. Running eXo Platform itself in HTTPS
12.4. Password encryption key of RememberMe
Developer Guide
1. Getting Started
1.1. Glossary
1.2. Architecture
1.3. Customization Capabilities with eXo Platform
1.4. Setting up development environment
1.5. Running eXo Platform in Debug and Dev modes
1.5.1. Debug mode
1.5.2. Dev mode
2. eXo Add-ons
3. Customizing Your Site
3.1. Defining structure of a site
3.2. Creating a new site
3.3. Managing features of a new site
4. Developing Content
4.1. Content form
4.2. Dialog validator
4.3. Content List templates
4.4. Publication lifecycle
4.5. CKEditor
4.6. Categories
4.7. Script action
5. Developing Applications
5.1. Developing a portlet
5.2. Developing a gadget
5.3. Extending eXo applications
6. Developing JavaScript
6.1. JavaScript module patterns
6.2. AMD and RequireJS
6.3. Shim configuration and Non-AMD modules
6.4. GateIn Module Definition
6.5. JQuery versions and plugins
7. Developing REST services
7.1. Using Jax-RS
7.2. Using Groovy REST service
7.3. Using IDE
8. Managing Authentication and Identity
8.1. Initializing organization by XML configuration
8.2. Working with organization API
8.3. Organization listeners
8.4. OAuth providers integration
9. eXo Platform APIs
9.1. Definitions of API Levels
9.2. Platform API
9.3. Provisional API
9.4. Working with eXo REST APIs
10. Cookbook
eXo Add-ons Guide
1. Video Calls
1.1. eXo Platform server setup
1.2. Client setup
1.3. Quick Video Calls
1.4. Placing a call button in your application
2. Chat
3. Single Sign-On
4. WCM Template Pack
4.1. Installation and Uninstallation
5. Crash
5.1. Connecting to the shell
5.2. Built-in commands
5.3. Developing Crash commands
6.3. eXo CMIS add-on and configuration
6.5. CMIS Usage code examples
7. IDE
7.2. Basic Actions
7.3. Advanced Actions
7.4. Miscellaneous and Tips
9. Answers
10. WAI
10.1. Installation and Uninstallation
10.2. How to use?
eXo Mobile Guide
1. Getting Started
2. Features
3. Settings
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