Why module patterns?
As you might experience before, some problems that you often have to deal with in JavaScript are:
Global variables are modified by not your code.
Your code invokes a method of a library that is not loaded yet.
Other code uses the same library but different versions.
In eXo Platform, your application is not a whole page. Your portlet and gadget can be added to a page containing many other applications. That emphasizes the importance of modularity. You need to understand the module patterns to write JavaScript safely, even if you are writing only one script file that will use JQuery.
Closure and self-invoking
Let's see an example of global variables. In the page you have a button that counts the number of clicks on it:
<!DOCTYPE html>
var counter = 0;
function count(){
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = counter;
<p>You've clicked <span id="result">0</span> times!</p>
<button onclick="count();">Click me</button>
Here you maintain a global variable that increases each time users click on the button. The code should work, but the problem is the variable can be modified by any other code of the page.
If you make the variable a function-scoped one that can only be changed by the function, it will not work as expected because the variable is reset (to zero) every time the function is invoked.
The problem can be solved if you have a way to define a variable at function scope but is initialized only one time. The closure pattern is a JavaScript feature that makes it possible:
var counter = (function(){
var privateCounter = 0;
return function(){ return privateCounter++; };
function count(){
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = counter();
Focus on the function declaration first:
It is an anonymous function that cannot be invoked by later code, but you make it invoke itself immediately - and only this time - by adding parentheses after the declaration:
By that way, the private variable is created only one time, but is accessible by any child function under the scope. The next thing is to return that child function to a variable that becomes the only access holder.
var counter = (function(){
var privateCounter = 0; //this runs only one time in self-invocation
return function(){ return privateCounter++; }; //this keeps the access to the private variable
The module pattern
From the self-invoking function you can return not only a function but an object that contains many properties and functions. It makes the ability to create a namespace, or in other words, a module. The idea is to return an object with only things that you want to expose to the world, and keep the other things private.
Let's see how the code is built step by step before it completes the module pattern:
// create a new scope (function (){ })(); // give it a name var module = (function (){ })(); // private method and property var module = (function (){ var privateProperty = "smth"; var privateMethod = function () {}; })(); // public method and property var module = (function (){ return { publicPropertyyy: "smth"; publicMeeethod: function() { //some code }; } })(); // the complete form var module = (function (){ // private properties and functions return { // public properties and functions } })(); // access it from outside module.publicPropertyyy; module.publicMeeethod();
The module extension pattern
You can add properties and functions to an existing module, by passing it as a parameter to a new self-invoking function:
var module2 = (function(module){ module.extension = function() {}; return module; }(module || {});
A Java-like example
To ones who are more familiar with Java, this variation of the pattern is easy to understand because it imitates a simple Java class:
var module = (function(){ //private var name = "default"; var getName = function(){ return name; }; var setName = function(newName){ name = newName; }; //public var obj = { getName: getName, setName: setName }; return obj; })();
At this point you touch a JavaScript core feature which is the base for many libraries that support modularity. Next, you are introduced to AMD and RequireJS. But you may break to read some other references: