In this tutorial, you write a simple Groovy command, deploy it into Crash add-on, and test the command in the shell. This helps you start developing commands quickly and directly against Crash add-on, then you should learn necessary techniques by Crash references:
Crash 1.2.x (equivalent to Crash add-on 4.0.3).
Crash 1.3.x (Java commands supported as of this version).
The command is to add a user. Let's start:
Write user.groovy
import org.crsh.cli.*;
@Usage("user management")
class user {
private static final String DEFAULT_DOMAIN = "";
private static final String DEFAULT_PASSWORD = "exo";
private rootContainer;
private portalContainer;
private orgService;
private userHandler;
user() {
rootContainer = org.exoplatform.container.RootContainer.instance;
portalContainer = rootContainer.getPortalContainer("portal");
orgService = portalContainer.getComponentInstanceOfType(;
userHandler = orgService.userHandler;
@Usage("add new user") @Command public void add(
@Usage("username") @Required @Argument String name,
@Usage("first name") @Option(names=["f", "firstname"]) String first,
@Usage("last name") @Option(names=["l", "lastname"]) String last,
@Usage("mail") @Option(names=["m", "mail"]) String mail,
@Usage("password") @Option(names=["p", "password"]) String password
) {
def user = userHandler.createUserInstance(name);
user.password = (password != null) ? password : DEFAULT_PASSWORD;
user.setFirstName((first != null) ? first : name);
user.setLastName((last != null) ? last : name);
user.setEmail((mail != null) ? mail : name + "@" + DEFAULT_DOMAIN);
userHandler.createUser(user, true);
Add user.groovy
into the crash.war!/WEB-INF/crash/commands
You can also create a sub folder of this to deploy your command.
The groovy can be hot-deployed, so you do not need to restart server.
Test your command with:
% user add user1 - this should create a user with name user1 and password exo.
Or, with more options: % user add -f Feo -l Leo -m -p exo fleo.
Feel free to add more codes to validate the input, add more sub-commands or implement an injector to add a bunch of users that can be good for benchmarking.