The /v1/calendar Rest API, available as of Platform 4.2, is considered Experimental. It is the new substitute of the deprecated /cs/calendar Rest API.
The Calendar Rest API meets the common requirements of new eXo Platform Rest services. Here are some tips that help you quickly get familiar with the service:
CRUD operations: There are four verbs used for CRUD operations: GET for Read, POST for Create, PUT for Update, and DELETE.
All methods consistently use JSON to transfer data in requests/reponses.
Query limit: A GET method can query a single item or a collection. In case of collection, there is a query limit on the server side that limits the number of items returned. This is configurable for effective performance.
To get the entire collection or implement some kinds of paging in your client, you rely on the three parameters:
, limit
and offset
Queries for Events, Tasks and Occurrences always have finite time parameters. By default the time range is one week from the current server time.
In the next tutorials, you will learn the access permission and Java/JavaScript code samples to use the API: