User, username and identity Id

Here is a version of User as JSON entity that is returned by GET /v1/social/users/{username}:

  "id": "13979fcc7f0001016236f7a4a2b1e043",
  "href": "http://localhost:8080/rest/v1/social/users/mary",
  "identity": "http://localhost:8080/rest/v1/social/identities/13979f2b7f0001012c0a9eab6606475f",
  "username": "mary",
  "firstname": "Mary",
  "lastname": "Williams",
  "fullname": "Mary Williams",
  "gender": "female",
  "position": "developer",
  "email": "mary@ex.com",
  "avatar": "/rest/private/jcr/repository/social/production/soc%3Aproviders/soc%3Aorganization/soc%3Amary/soc%3Aprofile/soc%3Aavatar/?upd=1443512489914",
  "phones": [
      "phoneType": "work",
      "phoneNumber": "+849877777777"
  "experiences": [
      "company": "eXo cooking zone",
      "description": "Write menu \r\nBuy foods\r\nCook",
      "position": "Talent novice",
      "skills": "Holly dagger",
      "isCurrent": false,
      "startDate": "09/07/2015",
      "endDate": "09/16/2015"
  "ims": [
      "imType": "gtalk",
      "imId": "marylovescandies"
  "urls": [
      "url": "http://marylovescandies.com"
      "url": "http://maryhatescandies.com"
  "deleted": false

On Create and Update, only some of those fields are handled. So an effective version should be:

  "username": "mary",
  "firstname": "Mary",
  "lastname": "Williams",
  "fullname": "Mary Williams",
  "email": "mary@ex.com"

You cannot update other fields currently. However, password can be set in Create. It can be updated also:

PUT /v1/social/users/mary

On Create and Update, there are some noticeable rules:


If you omit password field in Create method, the default password exo is used.

You can delete a user logically. A deleted user will be no longer returned by GET /v1/social/users but still can be queried by GET /v1/social/users/{username}.

Username and Identity Id

From a returned User JSON, you can get username and also extract an Identity Id from the "identity" field. Both have their usage in particular.

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