New Group Listener

To use the plugin in the component configuration, you must use the target-component:


The configuration can be found here.

          <value>*.*</value><!-- Multi value membership, use coma (,) to split values-->
          <value>*.*</value><!-- Multi value membership, use coma (,) to split values-->

          <value>BEL</value><!-- see more locale ids http://userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html -->

          <value>Europe/Brussels</value><!-- see more for timeZone ids http://www.unicode.org/cldr/data/docs/design/formatting/zone_log.html#windows_ids -->

          <description>Definition group to ignore create default calendar</description>
          <value>/spaces/*</value> <!-- single value, use more <value> tags to add more group -->



See the details about the init-params of the component in the following table:

Value-paramsPossible valuesDefault valueDescription
defaultEditPermission User id (Multi value membership, use coma (,) to split values) *.* means that all members in that group can modify and add, remove a calendar, events/tasks of the calendar The default permission assigned to membership in a specific group to edit calendars and events/tasks of the calendar.
defaultViewPermission User Id (Multi value membership, use coma (,) to split values) *.* means that all members in that group can view this calendar and all the events/tasks of this calendar. The default permission assigned to membership in a specific group to view a calendar and events /tasks of the calendar.
defaultLocale Valid locale Id BEL (see more locale ids http://userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html ) The default locale of the calendar.
defaultTimeZone Valid timezone Id Europe/Brussels (see more for timeZone Ids http://www.unicode.org/cldr/data/docs/design/formatting/zone_log.html#windows_ids) The default time zone of the calendar.
ignoredGroups Group Id (use line to define multiple value) /spaces/* Definition group to ignore create the default calendar.
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