Click Add Category Tree form.
to open theEnter the category tree name in the Name field which is required.
Select the workspace you want to work with.
Select the home path by clicking . The
Select Home Path
form will appear.
Click next to Root Path if you want to select the root path or;
Click the arrow icon to go to the up level path and click the plus sign to expand the folder in the left pane.
Click corresponding to the path that you want to select as a home path.
to select permissions for the category tree. i.
Click or
to set permissions for user, membership or everyone respectively. Your selected user or membership will be
displayed in the User or Group column.
When ticking any permissions above (Read, Add Node or Remove), if you set the * membership for a group, this permission will be granted to all users of the group, regardless of their membership role.
ii. Check the right options for the selected user to membership:
Ticking only Add Node Right or Remove Right means that Read Right is selected automatically.
to save all values, or to change values that have just been set. After clicking , click to go to the next step.Enter the name for an action of the category tree in the Name field which is required.
Select values for Lifecycle, Node Types, Target Workspace, Target Path, Affected Node Types which are required.
to commit all values.Do not input some special characters into the Name field, such as: !,#,$,&,*,(,).
Do not add a category which has the same name and level with existing taxonomies in a node.