Adding a new query
  1. Click Add Query to open the Add Query form.

  2. Enter a query name into the Query Name field that is required.

  3. Select the query type from the Query Type drop-down menu.

    • xPath (XML Path Language) is a language for selecting nodes. For example, /jcr:root/Documents/Live.

    • SQL (Structured Query Language) is a database computer language.

  4. Enter the statement for the query that must be unique.

  5. Check or uncheck the Enable Cache Results option. If you tick this checkbox, for the first time you use this query to search, the result will be cached. For the second time you search using this query, it will show the cached results. After 10 minutes, the cache will be removed.

    For example, you have the Test query with the //element (*, nt:file). In Sites Explorer, you have a nt:file document named File1. When you execute the query Test, only the File1 document is shown. After that, create a nt:file document named File2 and execute the query Test, only the File1 document is listed. After 45 minutes, the cache will be removed. When you execute the query Test, File1 and File2 will be listed.

  6. Select permissions for a group that can use this query by clicking .


    In the Permissions field, if you set the * membership for a group, all users of the group will be able to access this saved query, regardless of their membership role.

  7. Click Save to finish adding a new query.

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