4.3.2.  Globex

This template is for a landing page that helps you to present your company product effectively. The template is divided into two parts:

You will be introduced each of these portlets in more details about their usage.


This is a web content that contains a background image, company name and some additional titles.

These resources are located in the WCM/web contents/site artifacts/Title folder.


This is a web content that shows a short description about your product.

The resource is located in the WCM/web contents/site artifacts/introductions folder.


This is the same as this portlet but with an additional title and subtitle.


This portlet presents the most outstanding features of your product.

You can find the resources in the WCM/web contents/site artifacts/Features folder.


This portlet embeds an introduction video of your product. Supported videos include youtube, vimeo and dailymotion.

You can find the resources in the WCM/web contents/site artifacts/video content.


This portlet shows well-known words of a celebrity.

You can find the resources in the WCM/web contents/site artifacts/quote content.


This section contains three portlets that allow you to provide customers with pricing information for basic and professional versions of your product.

You can find the resources named pricingleft, pricingmid and pricingright in the WCM/web contents/site artifacts folder.


This is the same as the Testimonials portlet in this template but with a different style.

You can find the resources in the WCM/web contents/site artifacts/whattheysay folder.

Asked Questions

This portlet displays the most frequently asked questions from your customers.

You can find the resources in the WCM/web contents/site artifacts/AskedQuestions folder.


This portlet allows people to subscribe your product by their email.

You can find the resources in the WCM/web contents/site artifacts/subscribes content.


This portlet helps you to show the company address and provide a form to collect feedback from customers.

You can find the resources in the WCM/web contents/site artifacts/contact content.

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