3.22.5. Forum caches


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eXo Platform provides 9 Forum caches, including:

You can override these Forum caches in exo.properties file.

In particular:

The specific configuration of each Forum cache can be found in:


The UserProfilesCache caches information of users, for example, name, number of topics, number of posts, user settings information in the forum system. These cached information will be used when the users log in the forum for next times.


The CategoriesCache caches information of categories, such as name, order, description, permissions. Information of these cached categories are used when the Forums application is opened not for the first time.


The ForumsCache caches information related to forums, such as name, order, description, permission. Information of these cached forums is used when any users open the Forums application not for the first time.


The TopicsCache caches information related to topics, such as name, description, owner, last updated time and permission. When any users go to the cached topics, their information will be retrieved from cache rather than the database.


The PostsCache caches information of posts, such as title, message, owner. When any users do anything related to the cached posts, information will be retrieved from cache rather than the database.


The WatchesCache caches information related to watches, such as users and emails. These cached information will be used when the forum/category/topic is loaded not for the first time.


The ObjectNameDataCache caches simple information of categories/forums/topics, such as name and jcr-path. When any users ask for these cached forums/categories/topics, the information will be retrieved from cache rather than the database.


The MiscDataCache caches simple information related to categories list size, forums list size, topic list size, screen name of users. These cached information is used when the Forums application is opened not for the first time.


The BBCodeCache caches information related to BBCodes, such as tag name, replacement, description, isOption. When any users open the topic containing the cached BBCodeCache or add/edit the BBCode, information will be retrieved from cache rather than the database.

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