You are looking at documentation for an older release. Not what you want? See the current release documentation.
You should set up an "empty" directory for this practice. The directory should contain only the top DN, like:
dn: dc=example,dc=com objectClass: top objectClass: domain dc: example
In this quick start, you configure Platform to write information of users and groups into LDAP. It might not match your need exactly, but after this start you have everything in an ldap-extension, then you can adapt it by following the next sections.
For example, one of the use cases is that you already have a populated directory. After this start, you will follow LDAP users mapped into Platform and LDAP groups mapped into Platform.
Another note: the ldap-extension is technically a portal extension that is described in Developer guide, but it does not require compilation, so administrators can create it without Maven. If you are a developer, you can create a Maven project for it like your other extensions.
Create your ldap-extension
ldap-extension |__ META-INF |__ exo-conf |__ configuration.xml |__ WEB-INF |__ conf |__ configuration.xml |__ organization |__ idm-configuration.xml |__ picketlink-idm-ldap-config.xml |__ sync.xml |__ jboss-deployment-structure.xml |__ web.xml
Edit WEB-INF/conf/configuration.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
Copy content of the portal.war!/WEB-INF/conf/organization/idm-configuration.xml
file of eXo Platform
to your idm-configuration.xml file, then edit your file to replace:
with the path to your picketlink-idm-ldap-config.xml file:
Copy content from one of PicketLink sample files to your picketlink-idm-ldap-config.xml
The sample files are in portal.war!/WEB-INF/conf/organization/picketlink-idm/examples
You can also find them in the ldap-extension sample.
Choose either of the following files:
if you use MS Active Directory.
for OpenLDAP.
for others.
Modify the picketlink-idm-ldap-config.xml
file according to your LDAP setup.
You often need to change the following parameters:
The suffix (dc=test,dc=domain
, dc=my-domain,dc=com
or dc=example,dc=com
) should be replaced with your real suffix in the whole file.
Do the following sub-steps which are specified for Microsoft Active Directory (MSAD) only:
i. Prepare a truststore file containing the valid certificate for MSAD. It can be generated by the Linux command:
keytool -import -file certificate -keystore truststore
ii. Edit the following parameters in the picketlink-idm-ldap-config.xml
providerURL: Should use SSL (ldaps://).
customSystemProperties: Give your truststore file path and password.
Uncomment the following entries in the idm-configuration.xml
This step enables mapping Platform groups (platform and organization - that are predefined groups) to LDAP. If you bypass this step, only user mapping is performed.
Edit META-INF/exo-conf/configuration.xml
<configuration xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Add PortalContainer Definitions</name>
<object type="org.exoplatform.container.definition.PortalContainerDefinitionChange$AddDependencies">
<field name="dependencies">
<collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
Edit WEB-INF/web.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="3.0" metadata-complete="true"
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Make sure the right directory name, ldap-extension
, is configured in this step and the previous step.
Edit WEB-INF/jboss-deployment-structure.xml
<jboss-deployment-structure xmlns="urn:jboss:deployment-structure:1.2">
<module name="deployment.platform.ear" export="true"/>
This file is needed only in Platform JBoss and you can exclude it for Tomcat, but it is alright if you include it anyway.
Package and deploy your ldap-extension into Platform.
Make sure the LDAP server is running, and start eXo Platform.
It is the standard way that you package (simply compress) the directory into ldap-extension.war
then copy it to:
for Tomcat.
for JBoss.
To compress the directory into a .war (and decompress the .war for editing), you can use any archiver tool that supports .war extension. Because JDK is required to run eXo Platform, you should have it already. So you can use the JDK built-in tool jar, as follows:
To compress, first go to inside ldap-extension directory: cd ldap-extension
Then run: jar cvf path/to/save/ldap-extension.war *
To decompress, run: jar xvf path/to/ldap-extension.war
Do not include the ldap-extension folder itself into the .war. The .war should contain META-INF and WEB-INF folders on the top, it should not contain ldap-extension folder. That's why you need to go to inside the directory first.
You should have ldap-extension packaged in .war when deploying it to production.
However when testing, if you feel uncomfortable having to edit a .war, you can skip compressing it.
In Tomcat, just deploy the original folder ldap-extension.
In JBoss, rename it to ldap-extension.war
If the integration is successful, Platform users (like the predefined root) and groups
(sub-groups of /platform and /organization) will be added to the LDAP tree.
For example, assume the suffix is dc=example,dc=com
and the directory is OpenLDAP,
the root user entry will look like:
# root, People, portal, gatein, dn: uid=root,ou=People,o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com uid: root objectClass: top objectClass: inetOrgPerson userPassword:: Z3Ru mail: root@localhost cn: Root sn: Root
The /organization/executive-board group entry will look like:
# executive-board, Organization, portal, gatein, dn: cn=executive-board,ou=Organization,o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: top objectClass: groupOfNames cn: executive-board member: uid=root,ou=People,o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com
The whole directory is:
# dn: dc=example,dc=com # gatein, dn: o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com # portal, gatein, dn: o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com # Platform, portal, gatein, dn: ou=Platform,o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com # Organization, portal, gatein, dn: ou=Organization,o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com # People, portal, gatein, dn: ou=People,o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com # administrators, Platform, portal, gatein, dn: cn=administrators,ou=Platform,o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com # users, Platform, portal, gatein, dn: cn=users,ou=Platform,o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com # guests, Platform, portal, gatein, dn: cn=guests,ou=Platform,o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com # web-contributors, Platform, portal, gatein, dn: cn=web-contributors,ou=Platform,o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com # management, Organization, portal, gatein, dn: cn=management,ou=Organization,o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com # executive-board, Organization, portal, gatein, dn: cn=executive-board,ou=Organization,o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com # employees, Organization, portal, gatein, dn: cn=employees,ou=Organization,o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com # root, People, portal, gatein, dn: uid=root,ou=People,o=portal,o=gatein,dc=example,dc=com