4.3. Creating/Editing a group chat


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By creating a group chat, you can share work, knowledge and plans with your colleagues more efficiently. In eXo Chat, the "group chat" denotes discussion among space/team members. Your spaces (that you are owner or member) are auto-listed into the Spaces pane.

Creating a new chat room

  1. From the top navigation bar, click Open Chat to open the chat window.

  2. In the left Rooms pane, select to create a new chat room.

  3. Enter names to invite another members to the room. You can also remove a chosen username by clicking on .

  4. Click Save to finish.

  5. The room is created and a message is displayed indicating the members added.

Editing a chat room

For the chat room that you have created in the Rooms pane, you have right to change its name and add/remove members as follows:

An edit chat room form appears in which you can make these actions:


The list that appears after clicking on contains the list of actions that you can make on the chat room. Only the chat room creator is able to edit the room.

Chat room user list

For chat rooms, a collapsible panel contains the list of the chat room members.

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