2.5. Managing your dashboard


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This section represents the way to use the dashboard workspace and to add more external gadgets from Dashboard. Also, you will know how to manage your dashboard effectively via the following topics:

This portlet is to host mini-applications known as gadgets. The dashboard uses a variety of graphical effects for displaying, opening and using gadgets.


You can open many gadgets with different settings at once.

Using the dashboard workspace

  1. Click your display name on the top navigation bar, then click My Dashboard from the drop-down menu to access the My Dashboard portlet.

  2. Click Add Gadgets to open the Dashboard Workspace window which lists all available gadgets.

  3. Select a gadget in the Dashboard Workspace window and drag and drop it into the My Dashboard page.

Adding more external gadgets from Dashboard

  1. Obtain the URL (.xml or .rss) of the gadget you want to add from the gadgets source. For example, http://bejeweledg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/bejeweled.xml.


    Remote gadgets can be only created using an .xml link or RSS URL. However, if you use a link that generates an RSS feed (for example, http://feeds.feedburner.com/gatein), a new RSS reader gadget will be created automatically even if the URL does not end with .rss.

  2. Open the Dashboard Workspace window.

  3. Paste the URL in Step 1 into the textbox.

  4. Click to add the new gadget to the page.

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