Chapter 1. eXo Kernel


You are looking at documentation for an older release. Not what you want? See the current release documentation.


You are looking at documentation for an older release. Not what you want? See the current release documentation.

eXo Kernel is the basis of all eXo Platform products and modules. In this chapter, you will have opportunity to learn about deep topics of eXo Kernel via the following topics:

  • eXo Container info

    Information about ExoContainer and the container hierarchy.

  • Service configuration for beginners

    Basic knowledge of modes, services and containers.

  • Service configuration in detail

    Instructions on how to set up a sample service with some configurations and how to access the configuration parameters.

  • Container configuration

    Information about the container configuration, such as Kernel configuration namespace, how configuration files are loaded, System property configuration, Variable Syntaxes, Runtime configuration profiles, Component request life cycle, and Thread Context Holder.

  • Inversion of Control

    Information about the inversion of control design pattern.

  • Services wiring

    Information about the XML schema of the service configuration.xml file is, the configuration retrieval and its logging.

  • Component plugin priority

    Instructions on how to use the priority tag to define the component plugin's load priority.

  • Understanding the Listener Service

    Description of how the ListenerService works and how to configure the ListenerService.

  • Initial context binder

    Information about Initial Context Binder and methods for binding reference.

  • Job Scheduler service

    Information about Job Scheduler service, where and how it is used in eXo products and some sample configurations.

  • eXo Cache

    Basic and advanced concepts of eXo Cache, sample codes, and more.

  • The data source provider

    Information about DataSourceProvider and its default configuration.

  • JNDI naming

    Basic knowledge of JNDI naming, such as what it is, how it works and how it is used.

  • Logs configuration

    Information about logging frameworks that eXo leverages and how to configure to use them.

  • Manageability

    Information about the management view of the various sub-systems of platform, API of managed framework, and Cache Service example.

  • RPC service

    Information about RPC Service, its configuration and how to use the SingleMethodCallCommand method.

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