2.2.1. OpenAM server setup


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If you store users in eXo Platform, you need to configure OpenAM to call back the eXo Platform service to validate a login. In this case (called "callback"), eXo provides the Authentication plugin (org.gatein.sso.opensso.plugin.AuthenticationPlugin - that is similar to CAS) that can be set on the OpenAM server. This plugin makes secure authentication callbacks to a RESTful service installed on the remote eXo Platform server to authenticate a user. Meanwhile, if you store users in another external datasource rather than eXo Platform (called non-callback), you will not need to install the Authentication plugin.

On the OpenAM server side, the followings are required:

Deploying OpenAM

The first procedure is the same for both callback and non-callback cases.

  1. Copy openam.war into $OPENAM_TOMCAT_HOME/webapps to deploy OpenAM.

  2. Change the default port to avoid a conflict with the default eXo Platform (for testing purposes) by replacing the 8080 port with 8888 in $OPENAM_TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml.


    If eXo Platform is running on the same machine as Tomcat, another ports need to be changed to avoid port conflicts. They can be changed to any free port. For example, you can change the admin port from 8005 to 8805, and the AJP port from 8009 to 8809.

  3. Start the OpenAM Tomcat server ($OPENAM_TOMCAT_HOME\bin\startup.bat for Windows, or $OPENAM_TOMCAT_HOME/bin/startup.sh for Linux/OS X).

After deploying OpenAM, you need to properly configure the OpenAM server. The configuration will be different between callback or non-callback cases. In particular:

Configuring the OpenAM server for callback case

Step 1. Setting up the Authentication plugin

  1. Go to $PLATFORM_HOME, and install OpenAM add-on with the command: addon install exo-openam. If you want to use one specific version of OpenAM add-on, check by yourself with command: addon list --snapshots.

    After successful installation, one zip folder named openam-plugin.zip is generated at the root of $PLATFORM_HOME.

  2. Extract $PLATFORM_HOME/openam-plugin.zip, then copy and merge its content into $OPENAM_TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/openam.

  3. Check $OPENAM_TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/openam/WEB-INF/classes/gatein.properties to ensure the correct information about your portal is already given as below.


Step 2. Configuring realm in OpenAM UI


The UI of OpenAM forms may be a little different between OpenAM versions. In the procedure below, screenshots are based on OpenAM 11.0.1.

  1. Start OpenAM Tomcat server, then browse http://localhost:8888/openam. You will be redirected to the Configuration Options page like below.

  2. Click the Create Default Configuration link.

  3. Select passwords for Default User (amAdmin) and Default Policy Agent, then click the Create Configuration button. Remember that these 2 passwords must be different.

    You need to wait for some minutes when the OPENAM configuration is in progress. If the configuration is successful, you will receive a message stating "Configuration Complete!".

  4. Click the Proceed to Login link.

  5. Enter the username (amAdmin) and password created previously in the Sign in to OpenAM form, then click the LOG IN button. You will be redirected to the OpenAM homepage.

  6. Select Configuration tabAuthentication subtabCore link.

  7. Enter org.gatein.sso.opensso.plugin.AuthenticationPlugin into the New Value field, then click Add and Save.


    This step is important for setup of GateIn Portal SSO AuthenticationPlugin to be available among other OpenAM authentication modules.

  8. Click Back to Service Configuration, then select the Access Control tab, and click the New button to create a new realm, named "exo".

  9. Enter exo into the Name field, then click OK.

  10. Go to the "exo" realm and select the Authentication tabAuthentication Chaining. In the Authentication Chaining section, click ldapService. Here, change the selection from Datastore, which is the default module in the authentication chain, to AuthenticationPlugin, then click Save.

    This enables the authentication of "exo" realm by using the eXo Platform REST service instead of the default DataStore.

  11. Click Back to Authentication, then Back to Access Control. Here, select Configuration tabAuthentication subtabCoreRealm AttributesUser Profile. In the User Profile form, change Required to Dynamic, then click Save.


    This step is needed because eXo Platform users are not in the OpenAM Datastore (LDAP server), so their profiles cannot be obtained if Required is active. By using Dynamic, all new users are automatically created in the OpenAM datastore after successful authentication.

  12. Click Back to Service Configuration, then go to Access Control tabTop Level RealmPrivileges tabAll Authenticated Users. Here, increase the user privileges to allow the REST access by ticking the two checkboxes:

    • Read and write access only for policy properties

    • Read and write access to all realm and policy properties

  13. Click SaveBack to Privilege(s)Back to Access Control to come back to the Realms window.

  14. Select exo, then go to Privileges tab to increase the user privileges for exo realm as in Step 12, and click Save.

Now you can move to the next section to configure the eXo Platform server.

Configuring the OpenAM server for non-callback case

If you store users in an external datasource, configuring the OpenAM server is quite simple. You only need to create a new realm in OpenAM UI named "exo". Besides, for testing purpose, the following procedure includes steps of creating a user that is stored into the default DataStore of OpenAM.

  1. Start OpenAM Tomcat server, then browse http://localhost:8888/openam. You will be redirected to the Configuration Options page.

  2. Click the Create Default Configuration link. You will be auto-logged as a default user - amAdmin.

  3. Enter passwords for Default User and Default Policy Agent, then click the Create Configuration button. Remember that these 2 passwords must be different.

    You need to wait for some minutes when the OPENAM configuration is in progress. If the configuration is successful, you will receive a message stating "Configuration Complete!".

  4. Click the Proceed to Login link.

  5. Enter the username (amAdmin) and password created previously in the Sign in to OpenAM form, then click the LOG IN button. You will be redirected to the OpenAM homepage.

  6. Select the Access Control tab, then click the New button to create a new realm, named "exo".

  7. Enter exo into the Name field, then click OK.

  8. Click the "exo" realm in the Access Control tab.

  9. Create users for the "exo" realm by selecting Subjects tab, then clicking New.

  10. Enter information for the user (ID = "root" and password = "12345678", for example) in the New User form, then click OK to finish.


    To make the user stored in an external datasource be able to access eXo Platform resources, ensure that the user is already registered in eXo Platform also. To make convenient for login and access to eXo Platform later (for testing purpose), the user identifier (ID in this example) created in the external datasource should be one username existing in eXo Platform.

Now you can move to the next section to configure the eXo Platform server.

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