2.1.4. Frequently asked questions


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Q1. How to use Lucene spellchecker?
Q2. How can I affect spellchecker results?
Q3. Does Help application prohibit the use of closed sessions?
Q4. Does Help application allow the use of closed datasources?
Q5. How to get the effective configuration at Runtime of all the repositories?


How to use Lucene spellchecker?

You simply do the following steps:

  • Enable the Lucene spellchecker in the JCR QueryHandler configuration:

    <query-handler class="org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.core.query.lucene.SearchIndex">
            <property name="spellchecker-class" value="org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.core.query.lucene.spell.LuceneSpellChecker$FiveSecondsRefreshInterval"/>
  • Execute query with rep:spellcheck function and word that is checked:

    Query query = qm.createQuery("select rep:spellcheck() from nt:base where " +
      "jcr:path = '/' and spellcheck('word that is checked')", Query.SQL);
      RowIterator rows = query.execute().getRows();
  • Fetch a result:

    Row r = rows.nextRow();
      Value v = r.getValue("rep:spellcheck()");

If there is no any result, this means there is no suggestion, so word is correct or spellcheckers dictionary does not contain any words like the checked word.


How can I affect spellchecker results?

There are two parameters in the JCR QueryHandler configuration:

  • Minimal distance between checked word and proposed suggestion:

  • Search for more popular suggestions:

    <query-handler class="org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.core.query.lucene.SearchIndex">
            <property name="spellchecker-class" value="org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.core.query.lucene.spell.LuceneSpellChecker$FiveSecondsRefreshInterval" />
            <property name="spellchecker-more-popular" value="false" />
            <property name="spellchecker-min-distance" value="0.55" />

Minimal distance is counted as Levenshtein distance between checked word and spellchecker suggestion.

The MorePopular parameter affects in the following way:

If "morePopular" is disabled:

  • If the proposed word exists in the directory: no suggestion given.

  • If the proposed word does not exist in the directory: propose the closed word.

If "morePopular" is enabled:

  • No matter word exists or not, checker will propose the closed word that is more popular than the checked word.


Does Help application prohibit the use of closed sessions?

Products that use JCR, sometimes missuse it since they continue to use a session that has been closed through a method call on a node, a property or even the session itself. To prevent bad practices, we propose three following modes:

  • If the system property exo.jcr.prohibit.closed.session.usage has been set to "true", then a RepositoryException will be thrown any time an application is trying to access to a closed session. In the stack trace, you will be able to know the call stack that closes the session.

  • If the system property exo.jcr.prohibit.closed.session.usage has not been set and the system property exo.product.developing has been set to true, then a warning will be logged in the log file with the full stack trace in order to help identifying the root cause of the issue. In the stack trace, you will be able to know the call stack that closes the session.

  • If none of the previous system properties have been set, then we will ignore that issue and let the application use the closed session as before without doing anything to allow applications to migrate step by step.


Does Help application allow the use of closed datasources?

Since the usage of closed session affects usage of closed datasource, we propose three ways to resolve such kind of issues:

  • If the system property exo.jcr.prohibit.closed.datasource.usage is set to true (default value) then a SQLException will be thrown any time an application will try to access to a closed datasource. In the stack trace, you will be able to know the call stack that closes the datasource.

  • If the system property exo.jcr.prohibit.closed.datasource.usage is set to "false" and the system property exo.product.developing is set to "true", then a warning will be logged in the log file with the full stack trace in order to help identifying the root cause of the issue. In the stack trace, you will be able to know the call stack that closes the datasource.

  • If the system property exo.jcr.prohibit.closed.datasource.usage is set to "false" and the system property exo.product.developing is set to "false" usage of closed datasource will be allowed and nothing will be logged or thrown.


How to get the effective configuration at Runtime of all the repositories?

The effective configuration of all the repositories and their workspaces can be known thanks to the method getConfigurationXML(). This method is exposed through JMX at the RepositoryServiceConfiguration level. In case of a PortalContainer, the name of the related MBean will be of type exo:portal=${portal-container-name},service=RepositoryServiceConfiguration. This method will give you the effective configuration in XML format that has been really interpreted by the JCR core. This could be helpful to understand how your repositories/workspaces are configured especially if you would like to overwrite the configuration for some reasons.

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