1.3. Installing eXo Platform Community Edition


You are looking at documentation for an older release. Not what you want? See the current release documentation.

eXo Platform Community Edition is distributed as a convenient Docker image available with different versions: 5.0, 4.4, 4.3...

Docker is a software container platform which enables enterprises to build agile software delivery pipelines to ship new features faster, more securely and with confidence for both Linux, Windows Server, and Linux-on-mainframe apps.


eXo Platform's Community Edition and the trial version of the commercial Enterprise Edition are only available as a Docker install to facilitate deployment for testing. Owners of the full commercial version are not supported based on a Docker install, this Docker-related documentation is therefore not relevant to them.

Subscribed customers can refer to next sections to install their commercial package.

In this section, we will provide the needed steps to install an eXo Platform Community Edition docker image.

This docker image of eXo Platform supports HSQL database for testing purposes and MySQL for production environments.

To try the eXo Platform community edition docker image, some prerequisites should be satisfied:

To start and test eXo Platform Community Edition, simply execute this command:

docker run -v exo_data:/srv/exo -p 8080:8080 exoplatform/exo-community

The execution of this command will launch a container of the last millestone version of eXo Platform 5.0 and the version is updated every week after each weekly release:


You can set a custom name to your container by adding the option --name custom_name to the start command.

2017-09-19 09:37:10,271 | INFO  | Server startup in 176588 ms [org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina<main>]

The above log message indicates the server startup. You can start exploring eXo Platform Community Edition by visiting the URL http://localhost:8080 and then follow the instructions.

To shutdown the server, you can either click on the keyboard buttons Ctrl+c or execute this command:

docker stop <your-container-name>


To list all docker conatainers that already exist on your machine with their different parameters, just execute this command:

docker ps -a

An example of the result of the cited command:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                       COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                           PORTS                    NAMES
6d6d74d07030        exoplatform/exo-community   "/opt/exo/start_eX..."   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes           >8080/tcp   agitated_williams
ee949d337207        exoplatform/exo-community   "/opt/exo/start_eX..."   About an hour ago   Exited (130) About an hour ago                            vibrant_feynman

To just paste parameters of the running container, the command to execute is:

docker ps

With a docker container, it is possible to start eXo Platform in debug or dev mode: by adding --debug or --dev:


For more details about eXo Platform Community Docker image: versions, how to configure, how to add/remove add-ons..., you can consult this documentation.

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