You are looking at documentation for an older release. Not what you want? See the current release documentation.
Here are good ways you can follow during and after upgrading:
Monitor the server console/log file to be aware of the upgrade status or any issues during the upgrade.
By default, eXo Platform records all information in $PLATFORM_TOMCAT_HOME/logs/platform.log
(in Tomcat), $PLATFORM_JBOSS_HOME/standalone/log/server.log
(in JBoss).
A successful upgrade typically logs the followings:
The first important message like:
| INFO | Start transparent upgrade framework [o.e.c.upgrade.UpgradeProductService<Catalina-startStop-1>]
The list of activated plugins: five upgrade plugins exist between 4.4.4 version to 5.0.
| INFO | Proceed upgrade the plugin (async = false): name = FavoriteActionUpgradePlugin from version 4.4.4 to 5.0.0 [o.e.c.upgrade.UpgradeProductService<Catalina-startStop-1>]
| INFO | Proceed upgrade the plugin (async = false): name = SpaceMemberAnyMembershipUpgradePlugin from version 4.4.4 to 5.0.0 [o.e.c.upgrade.UpgradeProductService<Catalina-startStop-1>] ]
| INFO | Proceed upgrade the plugin (async = false): name = EnableUserUpgradePlugin from version 4.4.4 to 5.0.0 [o.e.c.upgrade.UpgradeProductService<Catalina-startStop-1>] ]
| INFO | Proceed upgrade the plugin (async = true): name = FileESMigration from version 4.4.4 to 5.0.0 [o.e.c.upgrade.UpgradeProductService<Catalina-startStop-1>] ]
| INFO | Proceed upgrade the plugin (async = false): name = UpgradeDefaultSkin from version 4.4.4 to 5.0.0 [o.e.c.upgrade.UpgradeProductService<Catalina-startStop-1>] ]
The message informing that the upgrade plugin execution is completed:
| INFO | Upgrade of plugin FavoriteActionUpgradePlugin completed. [o.e.c.upgrade.UpgradeProductService<Catalina-startStop-1>] ]
| INFO | Upgrade of plugin SpaceMemberAnyMembershipUpgradePlugin completed. [o.e.c.upgrade.UpgradeProductService<Catalina-startStop-1>]]]
| INFO | Upgrade of plugin EnableUserUpgradePlugin completed. [o.e.c.upgrade.UpgradeProductService<Catalina-startStop-1>] ]]
| INFO | Upgrade of plugin FileESMigration completed. [o.e.c.upgrade.UpgradeProductService<pool-6-thread-1>]]]
| INFO | Upgrade of plugin UpgradeDefaultSkin completed. [o.e.c.upgrade.UpgradeProductService<Catalina-startStop-1>] ]]
Logs related to notifications migration from JCR to JPA:
Notifications data migration (Web and mail notications):
| INFO | === Start migration of Web Notifications data from JCR [o.e.c.m.WebNotificationsMigration<COMMONS-RDBMS-MIGRATION>] ]
| INFO | === Start migration of Mail Notifications data from JCR [o.e.c.m.MailNotificationsMigration<COMMONS-RDBMS-MIGRATION>] ] ]
Notifications data migration end:
| INFO | === Migration of Web Notification data done in 11139 ms [o.e.c.m.WebNotificationsMigration<COMMONS-RDBMS-MIGRATION>] ]
| INFO | === Migration of Mail Notification data done in 4507 ms [o.e.c.m.MailNotificationsMigration<COMMONS-RDBMS-MIGRATION>] ] ]
Notifications JCR data cleaning start:
| INFO | === Start Cleaning Web Notifications data from JCR [o.e.c.m.WebNotificationsMigration<COMMONS-RDBMS-MIGRATION>] ] ]
| INFO | === Start cleaning Mail notifications data from JCR [o.e.c.m.MailNotificationsMigration<COMMONS-RDBMS-MIGRATION>] ] ]
Notifications JCR data cleaning end:
| INFO | === Web notifications JCR data cleaning due to RDBMS migration done in 590 ms [o.e.c.m.WebNotificationsMigration<COMMONS-RDBMS-MIGRATION>] ] ]
| INFO | === Mail notifications JCR data cleaning due to RDBMS migration done in 1815 ms [o.e.c.m.MailNotificationsMigration<COMMONS-RDBMS-MIGRATION>] ] ]
Logs related to settings migration from JCR to JPA:
Settings data migration start:
| INFO | === Start migration of Global Settings data from JCR to RDBMS [o.e.commons.migration.SettingsMigration<Catalina-startStop-1>] ] ]
| INFO | === Start migration of User Settings data from JCR [o.e.commons.migration.SettingsMigration<Catalina-startStop-1>] ] ]
Settings data migration end:
| INFO | Global Settings data migrated in 4137 ms [o.e.commons.migration.SettingsMigration<Catalina-startStop-1>]] ]
| INFO | User Settings data migrated in 4574 ms [o.e.commons.migration.SettingsMigration<Catalina-startStop-1>] ] ]
Settings JCR data cleaning start:
| INFO | === Start cleaning Global Settings data from JCR [o.e.commons.migration.SettingsMigration<COMMONS-RDBMS-MIGRATION>] ] ]
| INFO | === Start cleaning User Settings data from JCR [o.e.commons.migration.SettingsMigration<COMMONS-RDBMS-MIGRATION>] ] ]
Settings JCR data cleaning end:
| INFO | === Global Settings JCR data cleaning due to RDBMS migration done in 351 ms [o.e.commons.migration.SettingsMigration<COMMONS-RDBMS-MIGRATION>] ] ]
| INFO | === User Settings JCR data cleaning due to RDBMS migration done in 182 ms [o.e.commons.migration.SettingsMigration<COMMONS-RDBMS-MIGRATION>] ] ]
The progression of the execution of the upgrade plugin SpaceMemberAnyMembershipUpgradePlugin:
Membership migration:
| INFO | === Start IDM Membership '*' to Space Entity migration [o.e.s.c.j.u.SpaceMemberAnyMembershipUpgradePlugin<Catalina-startStop-1>] ] ]
Consistency check for spaces:
| INFO | === End of consistency check of space members in 412ms. No inconsistency detected. Total scanned spaces count = 1 [o.e.s.c.j.u.SpaceMemberAnyMembershipUpgradePlugin<Catalina-startStop-1>] ] ]
The progression of the execution of the upgrade plugin FileESMigration:
Information about the number of files to index:
| INFO | == Files ES migration - Number of files to index : 19 [<pool-6-thread-1>] ] ]
Start pushing files:
| INFO | == Files ES migration - Starting pushing all files in indexation queue [<pool-6-thread-1>] ] ]
End pushing files:
| INFO | == Files ES migration - Push of all files in indexation queue done [<pool-6-thread-1>] ] ]
Start JCR reindexation (by repository):
| INFO | == Files ES migration - Reindexation of JCR collaboration workspace done [<HotReindexing-repository-collaboration>] ] ]
| INFO | == Files ES migration - Reindexation of JCR system workspace done [<HotReindexing-repository-system>] ] ]
End of JCR reindexation (by repository):
| INFO | == Files ES migration - Starting reindexation of JCR collaboration workspace [<pool-6-thread-1>] ] ]
| INFO | == Files ES migration - Starting reindexation of JCR system workspace [<pool-6-thread-1>] ] ]
A message informing the successful startup:
| INFO | Server startup in 102839 ms [org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina<main>]
Check the eXo Platform version via the REST service (http://[your_server]:[your_port]/rest/platform/info), for example: "platformVersion":"5.0.0".
Or, you can see the new version in the footer of Login page as follows:
Log in and check some functions, components and customizations to see if they are working correctly.