Chapter 11. Cookbook


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This chapter currently focuses on how to copy a work done on the eXo Platform server, such as creating navigations, node types and templates, to another eXo Platform server throughout these topics:

The procedure of each step will be detailed as follows:

Step 1. Copying a site's content folder with its version history.

  1. Go to the Sites Management drive.

  2. Open the site node, for example "acme".

  3. Click Export on the Action bar to export the node with its version history as below:

  4. Select Export and Export Version History to perform the exporting.

  5. Navigate to the node where you want to import the file, then click Import to open the Import form.

  6. Select the exported nodes and version history to be imported.

    One pop-up message will appear to inform that you have imported successfully.

Step 2. Copying navigation nodes of sites.

  1. Go to the Content Administration page and add a new drive to both target and source servers.

  2. Export the navigation node.

  3. Import the nodes navigation.

Step 3. Copying templates of node types.

  1. Add the System drive to both servers.

  2. Open system:/jcr:system/exo:namespaces/{namespace_name}, and export it.

  3. Open system:/jcr:system/exo:namespaces/, and import the exported file as described in Step 2 .

  4. Open system:/jcr:system/jcr:nodetypes/{node_type}, and export it.

  5. Open system:/jcr:system/jcr:nodetypes/, and import the exported file as described in Step 4 .


If you have some specific JCR namespaces and node types, you need to import them into the new server.

Step 4. Copying the Content template.

  1. Add the DMS Administration drive to both servers.


    You need to select dms-system for the Workspace field.

  2. Open the DMS Administration drive.

  3. Open dms-system:/exo:ecm/templates/{node_type}, and export it.

  4. Open dms-system:/exo:ecm/templates/, and import the exported file.

Also, for the CLV templates, you can find all template views defined in the dms-system:/exo:ecm/views path with:

If you want to reuse one of the non-predefined templates above, simply export and import it into the new server at the same place.


If you have some specific Content (CLV) views and/or templates of node types, you will need to import them into the new server.

Step 5. Copying a category tree.

By importing the whole site as described in the Copying a site's content folder with its version history section, you will also have the category tree imported. The default location where the site's category is placed in a sub-folder is named category. So, you do not need to export or import them because this step is automatically done. But the category tree definition is still not fully imported in the new server. What you need to do is to add this category tree definition by following these steps:

  1. Open the DMS Administration drive in the new server.

  2. Go to dms-system:/exo:ecm/exo:taxonomyTrees/definition.

  3. Add a symlink to the Category Tree Root Node, for example collaboration:/sites/acme.

The name of symlink is displayed as "acme".

The symlink will be generated as below:

In some cases, to see changes, you need to clear the cache by disconnecting or restarting the server.

Step 6. Copying metadata templates.

  1. Open the DMS Administration drive in the new server.

  2. Go to /exo:ecm/metadata/{meta_data_name}.

  3. Export and import it in the same location in the new server again.

Step 7. Copying queries.

  1. Open the DMS Administration drive in the new server.

  2. Go to /exo:ecm/queries/{query_name}.

  3. Export and import it in the same location in the new server again.

Step 8. Copying scripts.

  1. Open the DMS Administration drive in the new server.

  2. Go to /exo:ecm/scripts/ecm-explorer.

    You will find three folders referring to the three types of groovy scripts in eXo Platform, including:

    • action: The action scripts are launched when an ECM action triggers them. For more information, refer to Managing actions.

    • interceptor: Interceptor scripts are triggered before and/or after the JCR node is saved, or when a node is created or edited. They are used to either validate the value entered in a form or to manipulate the newly created node, for example, to map the new node with a forum thread or any other type of discussion areas.

    • widget: Widget scripts are used to fill widgets, such as a select box in a dynamic way.

  3. Export your customized script in the same location in the new server.

Step 9. Copying drive configurations.

  1. Open the DMS Administration drive in the new server.

  2. Go to /exo:ecm/exo:drives/{drive_name}.

  3. Export and import it in the same location in the new server again.

Step 10. Copying gadgets.

  1. Open the drive that points into the Portal-System Workspace.

  2. Go to your gadget by following the portal-system:/production/app:gadgets/{gadget_name} path.

  3. Export and import it in the same location in the new server again.

Step 11. Restarting the server.

After importing the site navigation nodes, the site may look quite broken, so you need to restart the server first. After the server is restarted, the site will look like:

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