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eXo Web Conferencing add-on enables you to plug-in and manage any Web Conferencing solution in eXo Platform. You can use eXo Web Conferencing core to develop your own connector which will implement the call provider you need to embed in eXo Platform.
In this section, we will introduce the architecture of eXo Web Conferencing add-on and how to develop a custom connector allowing you to embed a call provider in eXo Platform.
The following diagram shows the different parts involved to perform a Web Conferencing call.
eXo Web Conferencing core
The eXo Web Conferencing core component is responsible for:
Declaring the provider connector.
Adding call buttons in eXo Platform different pages.
Exchanging call data and notifying call parties about the status.
Saving the call state and linking between group calls.
Administrating eXo Web Conferencing: enable/disable a provider, managing the settings via the UI.
The provider connector component is responsible for:
Building a call button UI.
Running a call from the UI interface.
Establishing the connection flow in a call and updating the call state.
Handling incoming calls.
Administrating settings via UI.
Develop your own call connector
eXo Web Conferencing add-on is a portal extension installed by default in eXo Platform. A call connector is also a portal extension which uses the eXo Web Conferencing core.
The connector should provide an implementation of its call button which is added by the Web Conferencing core in users profiles, spaces and chat rooms.
The connector implementation consists of a server code and a client application with user interface to run calls.
To implement your own connector follow this procedure:
Create the connector project respecting the developement environment described here.
We recommend you to clone our template project as it contains maven modules with eXo Web Conferencing dependencies and packaging. You should make your customizations on it: rename package, classes and variables and if needed include third-party libraries that your connector may use.
Implement Java Service Provider Interface (SPI): It is the java class of your call provider which should extend the
Here is a java code snippet which represents the skeleton of the Java SPI class:
package org.exoplatform.webconferencing.myconnector;
* My Connector provider implementation.
public class MyConnectorProvider extends CallProvider {
* Instantiates a new My Call provider.
* @param params the params (from configuration.xml)
* @throws ConfigurationException the configuration exception
public MyConnectorProvider(InitParams params) throws ConfigurationException {
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getType() {
return TYPE;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String[] getSupportedTypes() {
return new String[] { getType() };
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getTitle() {
return TITLE;
Create a portlet which will be responsible of loading and intializing your call provider in the eXo Platform UI.
public class MyConnectorPortlet extends GenericPortlet {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void init() throws PortletException {
// Get eXo container and Web Conferencing service once per portlet initialization
ExoContainer container = ExoContainerContext.getCurrentContainer();
this.webConferencing = container.getComponentInstanceOfType(WebConferencingService.class);
try {
this.provider = (MyConnectorProvider) webConferencing.getProvider(MyConnectorProvider.TYPE);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
LOG.error("Provider " + MyConnectorProvider.TYPE + " isn't an instance of " + MyConnectorProvider.class.getName(), e);
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void doView(final RenderRequest request, final RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {
if (this.provider != null) {
try {
JavascriptManager js = ((WebuiRequestContext) WebuiRequestContext.getCurrentInstance()).getJavascriptManager();
// first load Web Conferencing itself,
js.require("SHARED/webConferencing", "webConferencing")
// load our connector module to myProvider variable
.require("SHARED/webConferencing_myconnector", "myProvider")
// check if the variable contains an object to ensure the provider was loaded successfully
.addScripts("if (myProvider) { "
// then add an instance of the provider to the Web Conferencing client
+ "webConferencing.addProvider(myProvider); "
// and force Web Conferencing client update (to update call buttons and related stuff)
+ "webConferencing.update(); " + "}");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error processing My Connector calls portlet for user " + request.getRemoteUser(), e);
Configure your connector extension, your provider plugin and your portlet in META-INF/exo-conf/configuration.xml
Extension connector configuration:
<name>Change PortalContainer Definitions</name>
<object type="org.exoplatform.container.definition.PortalContainerDefinitionChange$AddDependenciesAfter">
<field name="dependencies">
<collection type="java.util.ArrayList">
<field name="target">
Provider configuration:
<!-- Portal extension configuration for YOUR PROVIDER NAME -->
<description>Call provider description here.</description>
<property name="my-apiKey" value="${webconferencing.myconnector.apiKey:myApiKey}" />
<property name="my-clientId" value="${webconferencing.myconnector.clientId:myClientId}" />
<property name="active" value="${}" />
The above configuration is also configurable through file as the following:
######### My Connector ########### webconferencing.myconnector.apiKey=myApiKey webconferencing.myconnector.clientId=myClientId webconferencing.myconnector.serviceUrl=
Provider portlet configuration:
<!-- Add My Connector portlet to portal pages with a toolbar -->
<description>add application Config</description>
<description>My Connector portlet</description>
<object type="org.exoplatform.portal.config.serialize.PortletApplication">
<field name="state">
<object type="org.exoplatform.portal.config.model.TransientApplicationState">
<field name="contentId">