Once you have finished uploading or sharing a file to the Documents application of the PRODUCT TEAM space, one new activity will be created on Activity Stream.
When you mouse over the uploaded file, you can see the following main information:
The file name.
The file path: the drive where it is stored.
The date of the upload.
The file's owner: the user who uploaded the file.
The file size.
If the uploaded file is an image, the preview image will be displayed on the activity content as a filetype icon.
If the uploaded file is of PDF or Office, the preview image will be its first page.
If the activity is a document sharing action, a label "shared a document" will be attached to the activity content.
From Activity Stream, you can:
Click the filename to go directly into the Documents application and edit this document.
Click to download the document.
Click to open the file in your computer.
Click to give your idea and let a comment.
Click to show your liking to the uploaded document.