Share multiple documents in activity stream

With eXo Platform, it is possible to share activities with multiple documents. In addition, the upload pop up is improved in order to make easier and ergonomic the upload process.

Share multiple files in the activity stream

To publish an activity with multiple documents, follow these steps:

  1. In the microblog, select File tab. The activity composer will suggest you either to drop files from your computer using the mouse, to upload manually from desktop or mobile or to select from existing uploads in eXo Platform.

    • Drag and Drop: Allows you to drag and drop files from your hard disc.

      When droping the file, the area dedicated to the files upload is greyed.

    • upload manually: Allows you to select documents from your hard disc.

      Cliking on upload manually opens a window showing a drive from your hard disk (it opens files drive for mobile devices) and allows you to select one or many files.

    • select from existing uploads: Allows you to select documents from your eXo Platform drives.

      You can select documents from Personal Documents drive, it is opened by default when clicking on select from existing uploads, or you can change to any drive you want.

      If the activity is in a space, the select from existing uploads action will open by default the space's drive. It is also possible to change the drive.


    When you choose to upload manually or drag and drop files to the activity composer, these files will be added to the the folder /Public/Activity Stream Documents under the Personal Documents drive.

    If the activity is posted in a space's activity stream, the files will be added to the folder /Activity Stream Documents under the space's drive.

  2. Choose the manner with which you will upload your files then select one or more files.

    An information box appears under the activity composer, it indicates information about the file upload progress and displays the file size.


    By default, it is allowed to attach up to 20 files per activity and each file's size should not exceed 200 MB. These parameters are configurable in exo.properties file. More details here.

    You can cancel the upload of a file by clicking on or remove a fully uploaded file by clicking on .

  3. Click on Post to publish documents in the activity stream.


  • When a user posts an activity in an another user's profile, this user receives an email notification.

  • When a user posts an activity in a space, all the space members will receive an email notification.

This email notification will contain all the shared files on a list with the file icon type, the file name and the file size. Clicking on a file name in the email notifications opens it in the Documents application.

Multiple files preview in the activity stream

While published, an activity appears displaying the attached files ordred by selection order on the files list.

Up to three files are previewed in the activity and a link containing the number of the other files. Clicking on it opens the following file from the list of uploaded files.


If the file uploaded has a preview (such as pdf, images, docx...), a part of it is displayed. If the file has not a preview (such as html, zip, war..), a thumbnail of its extension is dispalyed and a breadcrumb containing infomation about it.

When the user hovers over the file's container, information about the attached file is displayed. We will have:

Each segment of the breadcrumb is clickable and clicking on one of them opens the documents application in the corresponding location:

For mobile devices, the breadcrumb also appears for shared files. When any of the breadcrumb's details exceeds the screen size, it is either preceeded or followed by an ellipsis.

The breadcrumb behaves same as for web, its segments are clickable and it redirects to the correcsponding location as described above.


A Download all button appears under the activity allowing to download all the files of the activity. It will generate a zip file named Activity_ID_Date.

Date can be in Frensh format if the user is using the Frensh language and in English format if the user is using English or any other language except Frensh.

You can navigate through the list of files by clicking on previous and next buttons. For mobile devices, you should scroll the screen left for next and right for previous. You can also close the file preview by clicking on close button.

Clicking on a file opens it to be previewed similar as Document viewer.

The breadcrumb appears also in the file's preview but only the file's location is clickable.


When an activity contains some files with permissions (i.e a UserA is not allowed to view some or all documents in the activity), this/these file(s) will not be displayed in the activity stream of users who don't have the permission to view.

Deleting all files of an activity leads to the whole activity deletion and deleting one or more files from the activity eliminates these files from the display.

Multiple file sharing conditions

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