8.5.1. Uploading files


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Uploading files from your local devices is a fast and efficient method to create and store your documents in Documents.


You now can upload multiple files from your local devices by holding Ctrl (on Windows) or Command (on Mac) to select them at the same time.

There are 2 available ways to upload:

When you start your upload, you will see the Upload Status window at the bottom. In this window, the progress bar will appear next to the files which are being uploaded.


  • The upload size depends on the size limit that your administrator set up in the 'Edit' mode of Sites Explorer. If your file size exceeds the limit, the alert message will appear.

  • If the name of your uploaded file is the same as that of an existing file in the same location into which you are going to upload, you will receive one warning in the dropzone that your file is already in use. Here you can decide to keep both (your uploaded file and the existing file), replace the existing file with your uploaded file or cancel your file upload.

Using the Upload button

  1. Define the folder where your files will be stored.

  2. Click Upload on the Action bar to open the File Upload window.

  3. Browse and select your desired document, then click Open to start uploading your selected files.

Dragging and dropping

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