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Social Resources



Provides services for manipulating activities (like/unlike, comment and delete).

Resource Description
POST {portalName}/social/activities/destroy/{activityId}.{format} Destroys an activity by its provided Id.
GET {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/likes/show.{format} Gets a list of users who like the activity.
POST {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/likes/update.{format} Updates the "like" information of the activity.
POST {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/likes/destroy/{identityId}.{format} Removes the "like" information of the activity.
GET {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/comments/show.{format} Gets comments on the activity.
GET {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/comments.{format} Gets a limit number of comments on the activity.
GET {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}.{format} Gets an activity by its Id.
POST {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/comments/update.{format} Updates the comment information on the activity.
GET {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/comments/create.{format} Add comments to an existing activity.
POST {portalName}/social/activities/{activityId}/comments/destroy/{commentId}.{format} Removes comments on the activity.


Provides services for the application registry gadget which shows a list of applications.

Resource Description
GET social/apps/show.{format} Gets applications from the application registry service of the portal.
Identity Services

Identity Services

Provides services to work with identities.

Resource Description
GET {portalName}/social/identity/{username}/id/show.json Gets an identity by a user's name and returns in the JSON format.


Gets information from a provided link.

Resource Description
POST social/linkshare/show.{format} Gets the content of the link by the parameter passed to request.


Provides REST Services for manipulating jobs relates to people.

Resource Description
GET social/people/suggest.{format} Gets users' names that match the input string for suggestion.
GET social/people/getprofile/data.json Gets users' information that matches the input string.
GET social/people/{portalName}/getConnections.{format} Gets the information of people who have had connection with the current user.
GET social/people/getPeopleInfo/{userId}.{format} Gets a set of information of the target user. The returned information of the user includes full name, position avatar, link to profile and relationship status with the current user who sends request.


Provides services for the space gadget to display a user's spaces and pending spaces.

Resource Description
GET {portalName}/social/spaces/mySpaces/show.{format} Gets the current user's spaces and pending spaces.
GET {portalName}/social/spaces/lastVisitedSpace/list.{format} Provides a way to get the latest spaces ordered by last access and to be able to filter spaces, based on the application Id in the spaces.
GET {portalName}/social/spaces/pendingSpaces/show.{format} Gets a user's pending spaces.
GET {portalName}/social/spaces/suggest.{format} Suggests the space's name for searching.
Activity Stream

Activity Stream

Provides API to access the activity stream of an identity.

Resource Description
GET api/social/v1-alpha3/{portalContainerName}/activity_stream/{identityId}.{format} Gets activities of a defined identity based on an specific activity called baseActivity.
GET api/social/v1-alpha3/{portalContainerName}/activity_stream/feed.{format} Gets the activity stream feed of the authenticated user identity based on an specific activity called "baseActivity".
GET api/social/v1-alpha3/{portalContainerName}/activity_stream/spaces.{format} Gets space activities of spaces based on an specific activity called "baseActivity".
GET api/social/v1-alpha3/{portalContainerName}/activity_stream/connections.{format} Gets activities of connections of a specified identity based on an specific activity called "baseActivity".
GET api/social/v1-alpha3/{portalContainerName}/activity_stream/{identityId}ByTimestamp.{format} Gets activities of a defined identity based on a specific time.
GET api/social/v1-alpha3/{portalContainerName}/activity_stream/feedByTimestamp.{format} Gets the activity stream feed of the authenticated user identity based on a specific time.
GET api/social/v1-alpha3/{portalContainerName}/activity_stream/spacesByTimestamp.{format} Gets space activities based on a specific time.
GET api/social/v1-alpha3/{portalContainerName}/activity_stream/connectionsByTimestamp.{format} Gets activities of connections of a specified identity based on a specific time.
Identity Resources

Identity Resources

Provides API to access the identity resources.

Resource Description
GET api/social/v1-alpha3/{portalContainerName}/identity/{identityId}.{format} Gets the identity and its associated profile by the activity Id.
GET api/social/v1-alpha3/{portalContainerName}/identity/{providerId}/{remoteId:.+}.{format} Gets the identity and its associated profile by specifying its provider Id and user/space Id. There can be many identities, such as, user identities, and space identities.


Provides the latest REST service version.

Resource Description
GET api/social/version/latest.{format} Gets the latest REST API version of eXo Platform. This version number should be used as the latest and stable one which is considered to include all new features and updates of eXo Platform REST services.
GET api/social/version/supported.{format} Gets eXo Platform REST service versions that are supported. This is for backward compatibility. If a client application is using an older eXo Platform REST APIs version, all APIs of the version still can work. The array MUST have the latest to oldest order. For example, [v2, v1, v1-beta3], but not [v1, v2, v1-beta3].
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