Handles REST request to process Forum.
Resource | Description |
GET ks/forum/getmessage/{maxcount} | Gets recent posts for users which are limited by the maximum number of posts rendered. |
GET ks/forum/getpublicmessage/{maxcount} | Gets recent public posts which are limited by the maximum number of posts rendered. |
GET ks/forum/filter/{strIP} | Filters banned IPs in all forums of eXo Platform. |
GET ks/forum/filterIpBanforum/{strForumId}/{strIP} | Filters banned IPs in a given forum. |
GET ks/forum/filterTagNameForum/{userAndTopicId}/{strTagName} | Filters tags of the forum by name. |
GET ks/forum/rss/{resourceid} | Gets RSS feeds of a category, forum or topic. |
GET ks/forum/rss/user/{resourceid} | Gets RSS feeds of a user. |
GET ks/forum/filterforum/ | Filters forums by name and returned results are limited by the maxSize parameter. |
Handles REST request to process Poll.
Resource | Description |
GET ks/poll/viewpoll/{resourceid} | Views a poll by its Id. |
GET ks/poll/votepoll/{pollId}/{indexVote} | Votes for a poll by its Id. |