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Content Resources



Returns a responding data as a thumbnail image. {repoName}: The name of repository. {workspaceName}: The name of workspace. {nodePath}: The node path. {portalname}: The name of the portal. {restcontextname}: The context name of REST web application which is deployed to the "{portalname}" portal.

Resource Description
GET /thumbnailImage/medium/{repoName}/{workspaceName}/{nodePath:.*}/ Returns an image with a medium size (64x64). For example: /portal/rest/thumbnailImage/medium/repository/collaboration/test.gif/
GET /thumbnailImage/big/{repoName}/{workspaceName}/{nodePath:.*}/ Returns an image with a big size.
GET /thumbnailImage/large/{repoName}/{workspaceName}/{nodePath:.*}/ Returns an image with a large size (300x300).
GET /thumbnailImage/small/{repoName}/{workspaceName}/{nodePath:.*}/ Returns an image with a small size (32x32).
GET /thumbnailImage/custom/{size}/{repoName}/{workspaceName}/{nodePath:.*}/ Returns an image with a custom size.
GET /thumbnailImage/origin/{repoName}/{workspaceName}/{nodePath:.*}/ Returns an image with an original size.
GET /thumbnailImage/originImage/{nodePath:.*}/ Return an image at an original size from local machine.


The CommentConnector aims to manage and use comments for the content.

Resource Description
POST /contents/comment/add Adds a new comment to the content.
GET /contents/comment/all Gets all comments for a specific content.
DELETE /contents/comment/delete Delete a comment of a content.
Copy Content File

Copy Content File

Copies a file.

Resource Description
POST /copyfile/copy/ Copies a file.


Generates an RSS feed.

Resource Description
GET /feed/rss/ Generates an RSS feed.
Manage Document

Manage Document

This service is used to perform some actions on a folder or on a file, such as creating, or deleting a folder/file, or uploading a file.

Resource Description
GET /managedocument/getDrives/ Gets all drives by type (General, Group or Personal).
GET /managedocument/getFoldersAndFiles/ Gets all folders and files which can be viewed by the current user.
GET /managedocument/deleteFolderOrFile/ Deletes a folder/file.
GET /managedocument/createFolder/ Creates a new folder and returns its information.
POST /managedocument/uploadFile/upload/ Uploads a file to the server.
GET /managedocument/uploadFile/control/ Returns information about the upload status of a file, such as the upload percentage, the file name, and more.


Gets a list of files and folders, and creates a folder and uploads files.

Resource Description
GET /fckconnector/jcr/getFoldersAndFiles/ Returns folders and files in the current folder.
GET /fckconnector/jcr/createFolder/ Creates a folder under the current folder.
POST /fckconnector/jcr/uploadFile/upload/ Uploads a file with the HttpServletRequest.
GET /fckconnector/jcr/uploadFile/control/ Controls the process of uploading a file, such as aborting, deleting or progressing the file.


Enables downloading the content of nt:file.

Resource Description
GET /contents/download/{workspace}/{path:.*} Returns to browser a stream got from jcr:content/jcr:data for downloading the content of the node.


Returns a list of drives/folders/documents in a specified location for a given user. Also, it processes the file uploading action. {portalname}: The name of portal. {restcontextname}: The context name of REST web application which is deployed to the "{portalname}" portal.

Resource Description
GET /wcmDriver/getDriveOfNode/ Returns the driveName according to the nodePath param which is composed by the driveHomePath and the path of the node
GET /wcmDriver/getDrivers/ Returns a list of drives for the current user.
GET /wcmDriver/getFoldersAndFiles/ Returns all folders and files in a given location.
GET /wcmDriver/uploadFile/checkUploadAvailable/ Checks if the drive can upload a new file.
POST /wcmDriver/uploadFile/upload/ Uploads a file.
GET /wcmDriver/uploadFile/checkExistence/ Check the status of uploading a file, such as aborting, deleting or progressing the file.
GET /wcmDriver/uploadFile/cleanName Clean file name
GET /wcmDriver/uploadFile/control/ Controls the process of uploading a file, such as aborting, deleting or progressing the file.


Returns a list of favorite documents of a given user.

Resource Description
GET /favorite/all/{repoName}/{workspaceName}/{userName} Returns a list of favorite documents of a given user.


Instantiates a new gadget connector.

Resource Description
GET /wcmGadget/getFoldersAndFiles/ Gets folders and files.


Returns a list of content during a given state range of the publication lifecycle.

Resource Description
GET /authoring/bystate/ Returns a list of content from the beginning state. {@code For example: http://localhost:8080/portal/rest/authoring/bystate/?fromstate =draft&user=root&lang=en&workspace=collaboration }
GET /authoring/tostate/ Returns a list of content from the beginning state to the last state. {@code For example: http://localhost:8080/portal/rest/authoring/tostate/?fromstate =draft&tostate=pending&user=root&lang=en&workspace=collaboration }
GET /authoring/bydate/ Returns a list of content from the given beginning state to the published state and before the given date. {@code For example: http://localhost:8080/portal/rest/authoring/bydate/?fromstate =staged&date=2&lang=en&workspace=collaboration }
PDF Viewer

PDF Viewer

Returns a PDF content to be displayed on the web page.

Resource Description
GET /pdfviewer/{repoName}/{workspaceName}/{pageNumber}/{rotation}/{scale}/{uuid}/ Returns a thumbnail image for a PDF document.
GET /pdfviewer/{repoName}/{workspaceName}/{uuid}/ Returns a pdf file for a PDF document.
Portal Link

Portal Link

Returns a page URI for a given location.

Resource Description
GET /portalLinks/getFoldersAndFiles/ Gets the page URI.


Resource Description
GET /wcmLink/getFoldersAndFiles/ Gets the folders and files.


The RenameConnector aims to enhance the use of the rename action on the Sites Explorer. The system allows setting two values: name and title. The title is a logical name that is used to display in the Sites Explorer. The name is the technical name of the file at JCR level. It is notably exposed via the WEBDAV layer.

Resource Description
GET /contents/rename/getObjectId/ Gets objectid of the renamed node. Basically, objectid is a pattern which is useful to find HTML tags of a specific node. objectid actually is the node path encoded by URLEncoder.
GET /contents/rename/rename/ Calls RenameConnector REST service to execute the "rename" process.
Resource Bundle

Resource Bundle

Gets the bundle that is based on the key and the locale.

Resource Description
GET /bundle/getBundle/ Gets the bundle that is based on the key and the locale.
Images Renderer

Images Renderer

Gets the image binary data of a given image node.

Resource Description
GET /images/{repositoryName}/{workspaceName}/{nodeIdentifier} Gets the image binary data of a given image node.


Returns and sets a vote value of a given node in the sent parameter. {portalname}: The name of portal. {restcontextname}: The context name of the REST web application which is deployed to the "{portalname}" portal.

Resource Description
POST /contents/vote/star/ Sets a vote value for a given content.
GET /contents/vote/star/ Returns a vote value for a given content.
GET /contents/vote/postVote/ Sets a vote value for a given content.
GET /contents/vote/getVote/ Returns a vote value for a given content.
Get Edited Document

Get Edited Document

Returns the latest edited documents.

Resource Description
GET /presentation/document/edit/{repository}/ Returns the latest edited documents.
Publication Get Document

Publication Get Document

Returns a list of published documents.

Resource Description
GET /publication/presentation/{repository}/{workspace}/{state}/ Returns a list of published documents by the default plugin. For example: /portal/rest/publication/presentation/{repository}/{workspace}/{state}?showItems={numberOfItem}
GET /publication/presentation/{repository}/{workspace}/{publicationPluginName}/{state}/ Returns a list of published documents by a specific plugin. For example: /portal/rest/publication/presentation/{repository}/{workspace}/{publicationPluginName}/{state}?showItems={numberOfItem}


Adds and queries the public tags of a document.

Resource Description
POST /contents/tag/add/{tag} Adds a public tag to a given document.
GET /contents/tag/public Gets the list of public tags of a given document.
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