5.2.1. eXo IDE interface

Before using eXo IDE, you should familiarize yourself with the application interface:

In which:

eXo IDE has a customizable interface with enhanced windows and editors. The Virtual File System is the physical location (file path) you are working in. It is displayed as the Workspace panel containing folders and files.

The Content panel consists of two horizontal sub-panels:

These panels are divided by the Horizontal Resize bar. Also, both Workspace panel and Content panel are divided by the Vertical Resize bar and the Vertical Resize bar.

At the right column are the Outline panel and Version panel:


  • The active panel is highlighted with a blue border.

  • You can maximize or minimize one of the panels by clicking at the top right corner of this panel.

  • You can do some basic actions, such as browsing, creating, editing, coping, renaming, uploading, downloading, moving, deleting files and folders via the toolbar or the top menu.

See also

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