
The controller is designed to render a Map<QualifiedName, String> as an HTTP URL according to its routing table, but to integrate it for easy usage in WebUI Framework of GateIn, you need some more components:


PortalURL plays a similar role at the portal level. Its main role is to abstract the creation of an URL for a resource managed by the portal.

public abstract class PortalURL<R, U extends PortalURL<R, U>>


The PortalURL declaration may seem a bit strange at first sight with two generic types: U and R.

A portal URL has various methods but certainly the most important method is the toString() method that generates an URL targeting to the resource. The remaining methods are getter and setter used to mutate the URL configuration, those options will affect the URL representation when it is generated.

PortalURL objects are obtained from RequestContext instance, such as the PortalRequestContext, or the PortletRequestContext. Usually, those are obtained thanks to the getCurrentInstance method of the RequestContext class:

RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();

PortalURL is created via the createURL method that takes an input as a resource type. The resource type is usually a constant and type-safe object that allows retrieving the PortalURL subclasses:

RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();

PortalURL<R, U> url = ctx.createURL(type);

In reality, you will use a concrete type constant and have instead more concrete code like:

RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();

NodeURL url = ctx.createURL(NodeURL.TYPE);


The NodeURL.TYPE is actually declared as new ResourceType<NavigationResource, NodeURL>() that can be described as a type-literal object emulated by a Java anonymous inner class. Such literal was introduced by Neil Gafter as Super Type Token and popularized by Google Guice as Type Literal. It is an interesting way to create a literal representing a kind of Java type.


The NodeURL class is one of the subclasses of PortalURL that is specialized in navigation node resources:

public class NodeURL extends PortalURL<NavigationResource, NodeURL>


The NodeURL class does not carry any generic types of its super class, which means that a NodeURL is type-safe and you do not have to worry about generic types.

Using a NodeURL is pretty straightforward:

NodeURL url = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().createURL(NodeURL.TYPE);

url.setResource(new NavigationResource("portal", "classic, "home"));
String s = url.toString();

The NodeURL subclass contains the specialized setter methods to make its usage even easier:

UserNode node = ...;

NodeURL url = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().createURL(NodeURL.TYPE);
String s = url.toString();


The ComponentURL subclass is another specialization of PortalURL that allows the creation of WebUI components URLs. ComponentURL is commonly used to trigger WebUI events from client side:

<% def componentURL = uicomponent.event(...); /*or uicomponent.url(...) */ %>
  <a href=$componentURL>Click me</a>

Normally, you should not have to deal with it as the WebUI framework has already an abstraction for managing URL known as URLBuilder. The URLBuilder implementation delegates URL creation to ComponentURL objects.

Portlet URLs

Portlet URLs API implementation delegates to the portal ComponentURL (via the portlet container SPI). It is possible to control the language in the URL from a PortletURL object by setting the gtn:lang property:

PortletURL url = resp.createRenderURL();

url.setProperty("gtn:lang", "fr");
writer.print("<a href='" + url + "'>French</a>");

WebUI URLBuilder

This internal API is used to create URL works as usual and delegates to the PortletURL API when the framework is executed in a portlet, and delegates to a ComponentURL API when the framework is executed in the portal context. The API has been modified to take in account the language in URL with two properties on the builder:

Groovy Templates

In a Groovy template, the mechanism to create an URL is the same as the way of APIs above, however a splash of integration has been done to make creation of NodeURL simpler. A closure is bound under the nodeurl name and is available for invocation anytime. It will simply create a NodeURL object and return it:

UserNode node = ...;

NodeURL url = nodeurl();
String s = url.toString();

The nodeurl closure is bound to Groovy template in WebuiBindingContext.

// Closure nodeurl()

put("nodeurl", new Closure(this)
  public Object call(Object[] args)
    return context.createURL(NodeURL.TYPE);
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