1.2.2. Calendar

The Calendar application consists of two gadgets:


Eventslist lists the maximum number of upcoming events, that is configurable by users. For example, they can set the preference list to 5 or 10 events.


See preferences of this gadget in the following sample code:

<UserPref datatype="string" display_name="__MSG_baseurl__" name="url" required="true" value="/calendar"/>
<UserPref datatype="string" display_name="__MSG_subscribeurl__" name="subscribeurl" required="true" value="/portal/rest/private/cs/calendar/upcoming"/>
<UserPref datatype="string" default_value="10" display_name="__MSG_limit__" name="limit"/>
<UserPref datatype="enum" default_value="AM/PM" display_name="__MSG_format__" name="timeformat"/>


url Link to the Calendar portlet.
Subscribeurl Link to the upcoming events.
limit The maximum number of upcoming events.
timeformat The time format for upcoming events.

For more details on the preferences of gadgets, see here.

Links to used REST services

It uses the upcomingEvent service in the following package: org.exoplatform.webservice.cs.calendar.CalendarWebservice.java.


Taskslist lists the maximum number of upcoming tasks that is configurable by users. For example, they can set the preference list to 5 or 10 tasks.


See the preferences of this gadget in the following sample code:

<UserPref datatype="hidden" default_value="/calendar:/portal/rest/private/cs/calendar/upcoming:10:AM/PM:Default" name="setting"/>

Accordingly, setting collects all the configuration of upcoming tasks and add some more functions to help developers change the configuration of the default skin.

Links to used REST services

It uses upcomingEvent service in the following package: org.exoplatform.webservice.cs.calendar.CalendarWebservice.java.

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