7.3.3. Managing forums

Forums management can be performed through the following actions:

Adding a new forum

  1. Open the Forum form by following either of two ways below:

    The first way

    • Click on the Forums Administration bar.

    The second way

    • Go into the category to which you want to add a new forum.

    • Click on the Forums Administration bar;

      Or, click on the Action bar and select Add Forum.

    The Forum form will be displayed:

  2. Enter the forum title which is required. Its length must be less than 50 characters, including spaces.

    Optionally, you can:

    • Select the category to which you want to add your forum by clicking Add Forum to Category and selecting one from the categories list.


      If you follow this way, you cannot change the pre-selected category.

    • Enter the order for your forum that must be in the positive integer format.

    • Select the forum state.

    • Select the forum status.

    • Give brief description for your forum.

  3. Click Save to finish.

    The administrators and moderators of a forum may want to get updated of what is new in forums under their management. This can be done when creating a new forum.

Configuring the moderation settings

When creating a forum, you can set moderation-related options.

  1. Select the Moderation Options tab in the Forum form.

  2. Do actions in the relevant fields.


    Auto-fill the moderator's email

    Checks this option if you want the moderator's email is auto-filled. The email address will be taken from the moderator profile.

    Email addresses to notify when there is a new post

    Enters the list of email addresses which will get the notification if any new post is created. This field will be filled automatically if the Auto-fill the moderator's email is checked.

    Email addresses to notify when there is a new topic

    Enters the list of email addresses which will get the notification if any new topic is created. This field will be filled automatically if the Auto-fill the moderator's email is checked.

    Moderate Topics

    By default, new topics must be always approved and visible to everyone. If this option is selected, new topics will be pending for approval before being viewable.

Setting forum permissions

While creating a new forum, you can assign the moderator role or rights to start topics, add and view posts in the forum to specific users/roles/groups. To do this, select the Permissions tab in the Forum form and follow this step.


  • When granting the "moderator" role to a specific user/role/group, to allow other users to start topics, add/view posts, you should uncheck these rights. The moderator of a forum only has right to manage the forum.

  • If you do not set the starting topics, posting, and viewing posts permissions for any users/roles/groups, and the category which includes the forum is not set permissions, it means all users can do these actions.

  • When granting any permissions above (moderate, start topics, post or only view posts in a forum), if you set the * membership for the selected group, this permission will be granted to all users of that group, regardless of their membership role.

Deleting a forum

Only administrators can perform this action. When a forum is removed, all of its topics will then be deleted.

  1. Go into the forum you want to remove.

  2. Click on the Action bar, then select Delete from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click OK in the confirmation message to accept your deletion.

Moving a forum

You can move a forum to another category as follows:

  1. Go into the forum you want to move.

  2. Click on the Action bar, then select Move from the drop-down menu.

    A list of existing categories will appear. Select a destination category to which your selected forum will be moved.

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