Managing categories

Moderator can only manage categories that he moderates.

In this section, you will learn how to manage categories. With a category, you can group all questions of a specific subject into one place.

To perform an action on a category, you can select one of these approaches:

The first way

  1. Right-click a category from the categories list.

  2. Select an appropriate action from the drop-down menu.

The second way

If you are already in a category that you moderate, you can perform all actions on this category by clicking on the Action bar, then select an action from the drop-down menu.

Adding a new category

Notice that only administrators can initialize Answers by creating first categories and assigning to moderators for each category. Moderator can only add new sub-categories in a category that he moderates.

  1. Open the Add Category form by following one of two ways below:

    • Right-click a category from the categories list, then click Add;

    • Or click on the Action bar, and select Add Category from the drop-down menu.

    The Add Category form will be displayed.



    The name of the category (required).


    The order of the category which must be in the positive integer format.


    The category's description.

    Moderate New Questions

    Check this option if you want to moderate all newly posted questions before they are viewable.

    View Question Authors

    Check this option if you want information of the question poster to be shown.

    Moderate Answers

    Check this option to moderate all answers before they are viewable.

  2. Set the permission for the category by going to Permissions tab.

    • Enter the username of user you want to set permissions or click

      to set the permissions for users/roles/groups respectively.
    • Check the Restricted Audience and/or Moderator checkboxes to set the permission to view and/or moderate the category respectively.


      When ticking Restricted Audience or Moderator, if you select a group with the * membership, all users of that group will be able to view or moderate the category, regardless of their membership role.

  3. Click Save to complete.

Editing category properties

  1. Follow one of the approaches described in Managing categories.

  2. Select Edit from the drop-down menu.

  3. Edit the category properties.

  4. Click Save to accept your changes.

Deleting a category

  1. Follow one of the approaches described in the Managing categories section.

  2. Select Delete from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click OK in the confirmation message to accept your deletion.

Moving a category

  1. Right-click the category you want to move from the categories list.

  2. Select Move from the drop-down menu.

  3. Double-click the destination category from the list to select.

Exporting categories and questions

  1. Right-click the category you want to export and select Export from the drop-down menu;

    Or open the category you want to export, then click and select Export from the drop-down menu.

  2. Input the file name to export in the Export form.

  3. Click Save to accept exporting all categories and questions.

The exported file is in the .zip format and it can be used to import to Answers or keep it as backup.

Importing categories and questions

  1. Right-click the category you want to import and select Import from the drop-down menu;

    Or open the category you want to export, then click and select Import from the drop-down menu.

  2. Click Select File, then locate the file to import.

  3. Click Save to finish.

After being imported, all categories and questions will be displayed in the Answers homepage.

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