1.1. Creating an account

You must have an account on either of our services, or your own on-premises installation of Platform.

Here are the instructions for:

Creating an account in eXo Cloud

eXo Cloud is an online, private social intranet that makes it easy to connect and collaborate with your co-workers. Your intranet and all its data is private, so use it for your own needs.

Visit http://exoplatform.net to sign up. You can also sign up directly from eXo mobile app as explained on this blog post.

Creating an account in eXo Community

eXo Community is the website where you can interact with eXoers and the eXo Tribe to get news, answers for your questions, and community support for your problems.

It is not however a place to store your own data or your organization's data.

To create an account on eXo Community, visit http://community.exoplatform.com/portal/intranet/register.

There, you can type in your information to register a new account. You can alternatively register in one click with your LinkedIn, Facebook or Google+ account.


In case you registered with your LinkedIn, Facebook or Google+ account, the procedure to connect via eXo mobile application is different. Refer to this discussion for how-to.

Creating an account in your own Platform

If you need all hands on your Social Intranet, you can download our Platform bundle (Tomcat), install and run on your server. Download Platform from Sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/projects/exo then follow the Installation and Startup guide to begin.

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