1.2. Installing and configuring the eXo Engagement Analytics add-on


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eXo Platform has partnered with Lecko to offer an engagement analytics solution that allows to monitor user engagement and let you drive end user adoption of eXo Platform.

This solution is presented as an add-on: the eXo Engagement Analytics by Lecko which can be installed via the addons manager using this command:

./addon install exo-lecko

eXo Engagement Analytics by Lecko add-on is used to collect metrics from activity streams via a job and it dumps them in a flat file on disk.

Having dumped all the needed metrcis, another job uploads the generated file on Lecko servers to be loaded in the Analytics server.

Learn more about how eXo Engagement Analytics by Lecko add-on works in the section How does it work?.


To customize eXo Engagement Analytics by Lecko add-on, you can configure it through exo.properties file.

The table below contains all the needed parameters to customize eXo Engagement Analytics add-on:

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
exo.addons.lecko.job.start.expressionDefines the export start time.0 0 21 * * ?
exo.addons.lecko.job.stop.expressionDefines the export end time.0 0 6 * * ?
exo.addons.lecko.job.enabledAllows to activate/deactivate the addon. When set to true it activates eXo Advanced Analytics add-on.true
exo.addons.lecko.directory.out.nameDefines the destination folder of the analytics export.${java.io.tmpdir}/lecko
exo.addons.lecko.out.nameDefines the name of the file to be exported.dump
exo.addons.lecko.SftpHostDefines the destination FTP hostname. 
exo.addons.lecko.SftpUserDefines the destination FTP username. 
exo.addons.lecko.SftpPasswordDefines the destination FTP password. 
exo.addons.lecko.SftPortNumberDefines the destination FTP port. 
exo.addons.lecko.SftpRemotePathDefines the destination FTP path. 
exo.addons.leckoSftp.ProxyAddressDefines the proxy hostname or IP. 
SftpProxyPortDefines the proxy port. 
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