1.3. How does it work?


You are looking at documentation for an older release. Not what you want? See the current release documentation.

While starting the platform and having eXo Engagement Analytics add-on installed, a job is launched to make the export.

The export ends when all needed information are exported or when the end time defined in exo.properties expires.

In case of restarting the platform, the job resumes its work from the point when it stopped in the last time. In fact, the lecko service job marks every exported element: space stream or user stream.

When the export is fully done, the service will send the report file to the configured FTP in exo.properties.

After successful sending of the export file, eXo Engagement Analytics add-on service restarts its progression to delete the export file and then stops. In the next occurence, it will start a fresh export.


It is also possible to monitor eXo Engagement Analytics add-on via JConsole as some Mbeans are available:

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